Ok I am not a techy, so if I am not saying this right, let me know
My S-Drive domain is called http://VentureRealEstate.Coffeecup.com
I have the free coffee cup FTP.
I want to load files onto my S-Drive through my coffee cup FTP, but I cant figure out the web address to access though specific files.
so if I load a pdf called Sample onto the S-drive through my coffee cup ftp. It loads fine
I just dont know the web address to access that file just by typing it in the web brower
When I go into my ftp there is a file called VentureRealEstate (click that) go to another file called Site (Click That) and finally get to my pdf file
so wouldnt my web address to access that file be http://venturerealestate.coffeecup.com/ … sample.pdf ???????
accessing S-Drive through my Ftp
Your file is located here at http://venturerealestate.coffeecup.com/site/sample.pdf
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Scott, You're so so so amazing!!!!!!!!
Enjoying coffeecup like anything !!!

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