So what this new program for? - Page...

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,474 posts

Brilliant, Per! That was also what I meant in my post above, but I didn't have time to make a test site, like you did. Ian should cook you an excuisite meal! ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2036243 Photo

Registered User
36 posts

Per wrote:

The mods/additions I suggested for dispo.css are incorporated in this test page, if you want to have a look:

(to test it, drag the edge of the browser window between narrow (abt 300px) and wide (>1200px or more))

Absolutely fantastic, Per, this is wonderful, you're all being so helpful. What I'm going to do is to download the CSS and see what you did and try to work out why :D:D

Sorry not have logged on here before. I've had a couple of busy days, working on a colleagues website (not La Souvigne) and trying to work out what picture she means when she asks for "Site web 2014: ferme vue s/vallée de la Dordogne." Just about got there now, which is why I'm back here.

I've been very rude so far and only skimmed through the replies, but I WILL spend more time looking at them all and (as I said for Per's CSS, try to work out what and why.

I know this was only an elementary page, but IMO it HAS to make sense you work with something simple to start with so you understand WHY some things work the way they do.

You're a great bunch all of you and if any of you make your way over to France, you know where you'll be welcome!

All the Best
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

I actually changed very little in your css file, and the changes were limited to classes .leg and .mnth
I did it rather quickly, so you may well find that you want to adjust things here and there...
To make it easier for you to find them, I have highlighted changes and additions below. If you have any questions about "why", or anything else, just let me know and I'll try to explain!


@media screen and (max-width: 1100px) {
.mnth {
@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
.mnth {
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.mnth {
@media screen and (max-width: 400px) {
.mnth {

On a different note, I must commend you for your choice of place to live and work. A truly beautiful part of France!
When we lived in Paris many, many years ago, we enjoyed visiting places within reach for weekend trips, such as Bourgogne, Alsace, Bretagne,,... Once, when we had more time than just a weekend, we visited Dordogne and Perigord, which is not far from where you are.
Fond memories...!
User 2036243 Photo

Registered User
36 posts

Hi again Per,

Well, supper's over now, and I've had time to have a brief look through what you did. I would like to pretend that I was going to do something like that! :D In truth, what I'd read led me to be thinking along those lines, though I don't think I was going to do as many breakpoints. After reading what people (especially you) had said I did start off thinking in terms of only three.

I have to say that I'm pleased that my fundamental understanding of dividing between content (HTML) and form (CSS) was such that so little actually needed doing. Admittedly this was an extremely simple page, but as I said earlier, it must make sense to start simple. In any case, while most of the web site will do fine for the moment (it's for a B&B now) it makes sense to allow possible Gite customers to see the room occupancy for 2015 well in advance so they can book if they want to.

I've learnt three things in increasing order of importance.
1. That my coding is less bad than I thought it was.
2. That applying simple breakpoints isn't too hard
3. That you are all a really helpful load of people.

Lastly. I was very interested to see what Eric wrote to Steve about display:none. I'd been cogitating about how to speed up loading on devices with smaller bandwidths. However, what I'm not to sure at understanding is what kind of "sound design practices with keeping file sizes as small as possible" can be done. Let's face it, a page full of information for a desktop that is being loaded into a smart phone will still have the same amount of information. However I suspect I'm doing my usual thing of wandering WAY off topic. Sorry to the OP.

In passing >Per. Throughout the 20 odd years my (half french) wife & I lived in the UK, we travelled to France at every opportunity. When the chance came to move here we had already fallen in love with the Correze, and for us it was the best place in the world to come to. So thanks for your understanding of our motives. Actually, I never intended to get involved in writing websites. (Famous last words. Eh?)
All the Best

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