Need help with images and sizing and...

User 103173 Photo

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Zip the file first and then attach.
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User 461879 Photo

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Thanks Scott,

There is one row, three columns, with a picture in each column near the bottom of the page.

I would like those to stack when on a smaller device but when I use the slider or look at the site on a cell phone the pictures just get smaller instead of stacking. Have looked at many videos, the manual online, tutorials, etc. Just can't figure it out although I know it has to be something very simple.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Jonathan Warren wrote:
Thanks Scott,

There is one row, three columns, with a picture in each column near the bottom of the page.

I would like those to stack when on a smaller device but when I use the slider or look at the site on a cell phone the pictures just get smaller instead of stacking. Have looked at many videos, the manual online, tutorials, etc. Just can't figure it out although I know it has to be something very simple.

Here you go. What you needed to do was this:

1. Select the breakpoint at 551
2. Now for each column in the row for those 3 images, select them and then go to the Layouts Tab and change the SPAN from 4 to 12. You have to do that 3 times.

That will make the images stack for mobile devices.

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User 461879 Photo

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Awsome Scott. Really appreciate it. Was holding me back on moving on with the rest of the site.

I have saved those instructions for the future and will experiment with it.

Thanks again!
User 461879 Photo

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Hey Scott,

One thing I feel real stupid now...

Originally I had two pics in that row, centered. I added the third because the rest of the site will have three in that section with links to specific pages that are three of our most profitable tours.

When I preview the file now, the three pictures are not centered. I have all three with float and clear set at none, thought that middle selection was center.

Any quick selection to center the three pics? They are all to the left.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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For that, you just need to make a two changes for each of the images:

1. Check both Auto boxes under the Margins
2. Switch the Display from Inline to Block
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User 461879 Photo

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AH. Thanks again. They all had the auto boxes checked but were set at inline.

Thanks again. Really appreciate it.
User 461879 Photo

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Hello Scott,

Hoping I can get some help on a different issue. Hate to be a pain just a big learning curve after 15 years using frontpage.

I made a layout on Responsive layout maker. You helped with it yesterday with stacking images. All good there.

Here's the problem. I made that layout using a template from the template pack. Every time I export it gives me four pages, index, contact, etc and the four folders of css,fonts,img, and js.

I went ahead and just modified that page, as it is my index page and was changing it up a little to look like the rest of the pages will be, just a little different, I was making my about us page.

I saved the rlmp file as a new file just to have a different one than the index page since they are a little different.

I exported the file as well to a new folder. It of course gave me the new css, fonts, img, and js folders.

I knew this might be an issue and I guess it is. When I upload the new html file to my host, the about us page, it shows up plain and not how it looks in the preview or exported file. I have a feeling it is because the folders have changes and new files in them.

I am wondering how to fix this. My thoughts are to not save a separate file and use the layout tab to duplicate the file and make changes from there. I guess this would keep all the files in the folders the same or have all the files needed in those folders.

Or, open the file in Responsive site designer with the same concept. Duplicate the page within the same file so all the folders will have the same files?

I am not sure if I am explaining this right or if you understand what I am trying to explain. Hope so.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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You figured out the issue and fix Jon. You should be using the duplicate layout feature. The only reason you should be creating a new project file is if you want to make a completely different website. You don't use it for creating individual pages.

See, you are getting it! :)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 461879 Photo

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Thanks Scott I appreciate it......Getting it slowly..very Thanks again.

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