Update to HTML Editor (to Version...

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Thankyou so much everybody, what a fab place this is.

Its such a very small thing I guess, but is sooo useful.

Amazing :D

User 38401 Photo

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ok I broke it LOL

I went to close those pages I had open, I had close singly about half of them. There are 32 pages open yet and I added the Close All file menu button to my custom toolbar at the top and used it. When it tried I got this error below. I can close the pages manually one by one, but the error shows up for each page I close. It is closing them though, but won't do the mass closing of them all at once.



I had a page open in the Preview Window when I was trying this, which I didn't notice, so I'll assume this caused it since it worked fine to close them all after I closed that. Working as intended? Or maybe just a small bug? If working as intended, maybe a nice error message to tell us Please Close your Preview Window before closing all files and try again. Or something like that?
User 103173 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
ok I broke it LOL

I went to close those pages I had open, I had close singly about half of them. There are 32 pages open yet and I added the Close All file menu button to my custom toolbar at the top and used it. When it tried I got this error below. I can close the pages manually one by one, but the error shows up for each page I close. It is closing them though, but won't do the mass closing of them all at once.



I had a page open in the Preview Window when I was trying this, which I didn't notice, so I'll assume this caused it since it worked fine to close them all after I closed that. Working as intended? Or maybe just a small bug? If working as intended, maybe a nice error message to tell us Please Close your Preview Window before closing all files and try again. Or something like that?

Can you reproduce this over and over or is it just a one time thing?
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User 38401 Photo

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I'll test it and see.

Got another problem. Replace is not working for selections for All Open Files or for Folders. I've tried it every which way I can figure and it's just not doing it at all.

Also (and this is carried over from the last version too which I was going to post about but waited to see if it was fixed in this one), Replace does not work for the current page you have open if you choose All Open Files or a Folder to do mass replacing. I don't know how much of that issue has to do with the fact that the find/replace isn't working for All Open Files or for Folders, but it didn't replace it for the current page open before either.

Basically as follows:
- Highlight text you want to have replaced
- Hit edit > Replace
- Highlighted text should already be in the first box for the Find area so just enter the text you want it to be replaced with as normal
- Choose either... All Open Documents or Look in Folder
- Hit Replace All Button

Prior to this build it would have replaced all it was supposed to replace except it wouldn't do it on the actual current page you had open or selected tab wise (the one that had the highlighted text on it). For some reason it wouldn't replace that one so I always had to do it manually for that page. The rest worked though wonderfully.

Doesn't work at all now :(

I'll check on reproducing the error again in a sec and I'll let ya know.
User 38401 Photo

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There's definitely issues with the saving. I use Save All a lot when I have a lot of open pages, especially right now when I can't tell what is and isn't saved. I hit the close all button on my toolbar (my personal one I created) and I got do I want to save this page, over and over and over for each page that I had open, even though I had already hit the Save All button.

After a while I got that same error message as I got before when the Preview Window was open.

I had the bottom list of files that the program was apparently Find/Replacing open yet so maybe that's what was messing it up, I'll see if I can reproduce any of this, gonna reboot first to make sure it's not just some fluke on this particular boot.
User 103173 Photo

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So that this tread can stay manageable by me, collect all your thoughts and make one post with all issues. With so many posts, I cannot follow what I need to look for. ;)

Please... ;)
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User 38401 Photo

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Ok, but I think I'm gonna be done here now because it wiped out 2 of my pages blank totally when it did all this saving issue.

As for reproducing, yes I reproduced the error for the preview pane 2 of 3 times in a row. First time it didn't happen, but the difference was I opened a preview pane for one of the pages in the middle of them so like the 33rd page or so (I had 67 pages open). The next 2 times it was the first page had the preview window open, I tabbed around a bit for about 6 or 7 pages choosing random pages and then hit the close all button. Both times the error came up after a few pages closed.

I did the same thing with the Find/Replace. Didn't work again, but same as before I left that window at the bottom open that has the list of the pages it was "supposed" to find/replace and then I hit the Close All. Same error showed up after it tried to close some pages.

I dont' think I can do this much more unless I can have the old version installed as well as the new one because this one seems to have a few too many bugs to use it for what I need right now. Is there a way I can get a link to the last version please?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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I think I got it all replicated Jo finally and I have this logged with our developers. We will be putting this on the top priority to fix. I was also able to replicate the Access Violation. It has to do with the External Preview being open and then attempting to move a tab around. Checking into seeing if we can add that ability. At the very least the Access Violation will get fixed.

Thanks for reporting all this Jo! :)
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User 38401 Photo

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You're welcome Scott, glad to hear it was found lol, I am not going crazy! I am not going crazy! I will not format! You can't make me! :P
User 122279 Photo

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I think I reported the saving issue (save all) a couple of builds ago...
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

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