Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Editor...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

We want your ideas, suggestions, and comments about CoffeeCup HTML Editor or CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor. So tell us: How can we make the software even better? Remember, our products are here for you guys, so we want to make them the very best we can :)
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User 184085 Photo

1,707 posts

Probably been suggested before, but collapsible DIV sections. or even better setting a collapse point yourself.
Volunteering to help :)
My HTML play area
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

When clicking on a start tag, let is highlight the corresponding end tag. Or even if you are working somewhere within say <table></table> those tags should be highlighted.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
852 posts

Inger Eik wrote:
When clicking on a start tag, let is highlight the corresponding end tag. Or even if you are working somewhere within say <table></table> those tags should be highlighted.


WeBuilder 2008 has this and it is very handy.

Show all characters should show spaces and tabs as well and

Set/goto/delete book mark in right-click menu

User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Hi Scott
In CSS menu an option to centre the horizontal menu would be a benefit. Most web sites with horizontal menus tend to be aligned centered rather than left aligned.
On the menu options screen. If the fixed width menu items is not selected the menu item description still wraps onto multiple lines.
eg I have a sub menu description on one of my sites
1stXV fixtures 2009-10.
Unless I am missing a trick I cannot reproduce this on one line without word wrap kicking in.
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

A couple suggestions I'd like to see in CCHE:

1. The ability to copy files from the MyWebsites file tree to the same location and rename it (basically to make a duplicate page renamed). Sometimes I find myself needing to make another page with the same structure as a different page and just change the content. I have to do this externally as the program will only overwrite using the copy file/folder option on the right click menu.

3. I know this one will probably be a long stretch, but I have to try hehe. I used to use Dreamweaver for a very long time because of this one and only feature. I'm trying hard not to go back to it as it's quite outdated now and CCHE has much more features built into it than my old DW MX has.
The feature I would love to see more than anything is the split window that we can actually edit either the code or the wysiwyg window. Basically putting the code and the visual editor in a split window like you do with the split window that is there now. This is really one of the only features that I really miss from DW.
User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Hi Scott
I noticed a thread the other day but cant remember where. It was about web design for iphones, blackberries etc which prompts me to add a suggestion for html editor 2009. I looking to enhance our local rugby club website and sent an email to all our club members for suggestions to improve the site. I received a big response for viewing pages on an iphone/blackbery etc.

Any thoughts to perhaps develop a series of html 2009 layouts for these devices and then if possible to develop some code to simulate " browse with a blackberry/other mobile devices" or perhaps another tab "preview with blackberry/mobile device".

Don't know if this is possible from a technical point of view. I am sure there must be some demand for this feature. Over here in the UK there is a big increase in people using these mobile devices to view websites.
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

It would not be hard for us to make those at all, it just has always come down to resources and time. We do have it on our list though to roll a few of these out in the near future.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 463058 Photo

1,080 posts

You can see what your pages look like to people using the Opera Mini browser.
Add the bookmarklet to your browser and you won't even need to type in the url of the page you are looking at. The page must be online.

I found a couple of online iPhone "emulators" but they are worthless. They are just using iframes to display the sections of pages that would be visible if viewed on the iPhone at full size.

Also keep in mind that iPhone and some other similar products don't support Flash.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Would be nice to have a Save menu (even a small one with just a Save and a Save All) on the tab right click menu of the files you have open. I find myself consistently trying to right click and save a page I have open only to see all there is is a Close option. Since we're always clicking tabs to switch to different pages if we have multiple pages open, I tend to click there first before I realize I have to go to the top to save files. Would just be an added convenience, but a nice one :)

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