This is needed for HTML from Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and probably WordPerfect. I'm told WordPerfect produces cleaner HTML, but I haven't seen/tried it.
Since word processor files often are sent to be put into web formats or ebook formats, and since this often falls to the wearers-of-many-hats Jack/Jill-of-all-trades people who use the HTML Editor, it really would be a help.
From the man on the street, make it easy for me to use perspective, maybe it would be better (smarter?) to have the utility (or module) import directly from a Word .doc, or Open/Libre .odt, or WordPerfect's native format. However, that could get into a whole can of worms with format usage licensing that CoffeeCup would rather avoid.
(Nevermind that it would be so much simpler if the word processors would output clean HTML / other web formats to begin with. That has not happened since this whole newfangled "world wide web" became big in the 1990's. I don't really expect any word processor to wake up and get some sense, any time soon. ...Likewise, Adobe Illustrator's SVG output. Bleh! ...grumble, grumble...)
Pretty please?

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