HTML Editor - Save All Requires...

User 2739280 Photo

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11 posts

Well I opened a support ticket from my support page when I started this. Unfortunately your response doesn't make it seem like this will ever get fixed. Another person posted same exact problem above.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Rafael Hoyos wrote:
Well I opened a support ticket from my support page when I started this. Unfortunately your response doesn't make it seem like this will ever get fixed. Another person posted same exact problem above.

It was only reported by you on the 11th and today is the 15th. You have to give people time to look into issues. Even if it was fixed, it would take weeks (at a minimum) of testing before it would be release.
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User 2739280 Photo

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11 posts

I understand things take time, but there's no way to know if people are looking into any issues from the conversation above, which is why I asked. Thanks
User 2739280 Photo

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11 posts

Will this ever get fixed?
User 121600 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

I have the exact same issue. PLEASE FIX THIS!
Don't make me change html editors because you can't fix one little problem like this - the program has great features that let you edit multiple files at the same time - except it won't save your work & you end up having to save each file individually. This is not acceptable on a big site.
User 121600 Photo

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6 posts

This is a 'find & replace' issue - not a 'save all' issue.

If I use Find & Replace to change multiple pages, then click Save All - only one page is saved.

If I make manual changes to multiple pages, then click Save All - all the pages are saved.

This Find & Replace issue occurs whether or not I'm using an admin account on my windows pc.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

I tested this now.
I opened one of the html folders locally, opened 10 files.
At the beginning of each <body> I wrote the letters æøå (yes, I'm from Norway and we have those letters).
Then clicked on Save all, and they all got saved WITH those weird letters.
Then I clicked on Edit - Replace, chose find æøå, and replace with xyz.
I chose All open documents, and then hit Replace all.
Both before and after Save all, I now had xyz at the beginning of each document.
I opened Edit - Replace once more, chose find xyz and left Replace empty.
Again All open documents and replace all.
Checked before and after Save all: All but two files were 'clean'. They were in the middle of the 10 files.
I thought I might have done something differently in those two documents, so I repeated the whole process with 1o new files, this time leaving a blank before or after æøå.
Result: All the files were 'clean'.
I even repeated it yet another time, again with 10 different files: The last file of the 10 still had the xyz when I was done.

So, It can't have anything to do with the Save all, because the files were the same both saved and unsaved. It must be some little quirk in the replace process, maybe only when leaving the replace field empty. But I have used this loads of times 'for real', and I have never actually had problems. But if the expression you want to replace includes a line break (in the file, not in the search term), it is not found, and of course, if a file has been compressed and quotes around an expression removed, it will not be found if the 'Find' has those quotes included.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 121600 Photo

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6 posts

Two Workarounds:

1) If you use 'Search & Replace' and have it 'Look in Folder' instead of using 'All Open Documents' then search&replace works properly.

2) If you use 'Search & Replace' on 'All Open Documents', just click on the tab of each changed file - then 'Save All' works properly. So click on each one's tab - then use Save All. No need to save each file individually if you do it this way.

They do need to fix this - probably just missing one line of code somewhere deep.

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

I did not save the files individually, I used Save all. And I had clicked on each tab in order to check if it really was changed - before I saved the files.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2739280 Photo

Registered User
11 posts

Clicking on each tab before saving the files is the workaround. If you have 30 files open and you mass change one item you shouldn't have to click on each tab before saving - you should be able to Find and Replace all open docs, and be able to hit save all. That's it. I still have the issue and know others with the same issue. Seems like it would be a simple fix. Guess not.

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