How to increase the font size of the...

User 2488018 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I am using CoffeeCup v. 17 and find the font size of the code that I write in the right size of the window way too small to read. I have to open the Windows Magnifier program to read it. I have searched the program interface, the online help, and this forum for an answer. I did see a tip in the CoffeeCup online help page "Customizing Your HTML Settings" that you click "Open Settings Folder" found under the tab "Folders" of "Preferences". But I see no file named "customtag.ini" as shown in that help page and perhaps it deals with the font size of the web page rather than the code editing window. Does one have to (1) wear magnifying spectacles or (2) change the resolution of the display? The resolution of my 13-inch monitor is 1920 X 1080. Thanks for any suggestions.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,485 posts

It's easier than that. Open Tools - Preferences - Customisation. Then find the long button saying 'Modify Highlighter Colors, Options, AutoCorrect, Code templates...' and open it. At the bottom right you see the Font. Then adjust the size as you want. Click OK.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2488018 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Thank you for the answer, Inger! I did see button in my searches--my interface says "Modify Highlighting . . .--and, given its label, ignored it. Those ellipses should have produced a quick search.


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