Auto upload on Ctrl S

User 3136984 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Yesterday when using the Coffee Cup HTML editor, whenever I pressed ctrl S the saved file would upload to my site. It has never done that before, but I thought it was really convenient... although I'm not sure if it would be desirable every time.

Today it is not doing that! Did I imagine all this, or is there a setting some place that allows this to happen or not?


User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,580 posts

I've never heard of a feature like that.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 3136984 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Thanks Inger. I guess I must have invented it. If I ever figure out how I did it, I will pass it on as a new feature! Actually, a better feature would be auto save on upload - something I miss from Dreamweaver.

Thanks for your reply,

User 3157442 Photo

3 posts

Hi Doug,

The CoffeeCup HTML editor does have a feature to automatically upload saved files to a configured site. It seems like this feature was active but is no longer.

To check or modify the settings, follow these steps:

Open the CoffeeCup HTML editor.
Click on "File" > "Preferences".
Look for the "Auto Upload on Save" option in the dialog box.
If you want this feature, make sure the box is checked. If not, uncheck it.
Click "OK" to save your changes.
Remember, if you use this feature, any changes you save will immediately reflect on your live site.

User 3136984 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Hi Sophia,
I must have a difference version of Coffee Cup HTML Editor than you. I don't see "Preferences" under "File". There is "Preferences" under the "Tools" tab, but I don't see "Auto Upload on Save" anywhere.

It would be a great feature to find, but a better thing would be the opposite: "Save on Upload". (Or at least a prompt.)


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