VSD inserts line breaks

User 460699 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

Why does VSD put a <br> after each line? How do I stop this?

This is causing word wrap to not happen as I increase/decrease text size in my browser.
User 2489107 Photo

Registered User
162 posts


Our developers are aware that Visual Site Designer will sometimes insert a line break if you have not entered a hard return in your text field, and are working on a solution. You may run into problems if you increase or decrease the text size of your site using your browser because of the way the images and fonts are being positioned on your site. Unfortunately Visual Site Designer cannot correct this as it will happen with pretty much any website you visit, a good example would be to either visit the main page for Google or Yahoo. If you increase the text size you will see the same results.

Thank you,
User 460699 Photo

Trial User
2 posts

This is a bug. VSD should not be inserting line breaks automatically (I am seeing <br> at the end of each line in the html). When will this be fixed?

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