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User 188640 Photo

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Very nice site.
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 2093190 Photo

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115 posts

Thank you very much Inger and Ernie.
Inger, which text do you mean? My paragraphs are black, my Headlings are #800000 …

Hilsen fra Tyskland
puncto – grafik & marketing
D - 69126 Heidelberg
Actually you´ll find my work here:
User 122279 Photo

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Unter den drei Bildern. Mittelgrau auf hellgrau ist ein Wenig strapazierend für meine alten Augen.

Below the three images. Medium grey on light grey is a bit straining for my old eyes.

Nochmals Grüsse aus dem verschneiten Norwegen,
Again cheers from snowy Norway,

Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2093190 Photo

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115 posts

Ah, okay. Jetzt verstehe ich Dich. Das ist die alte Site. Von hier: sind die Logos auf die Domain (mit der alten Site) verlinkt, daher landest Du direkt auf der Domain. Mein Projekt ist bisher nur: (das ist ein lokaler Apache-Server auf meinem NAS).
Ja, Du hast recht, der Kontrast ist zu gering. Das ist mit ein Grund, warum ich die Site neu gestalte.

Ah okay, I know what you mean. From this point: the logos of the company are linked to the domain (with the old site). Therefore you land direct at the site. My project is actually only at: (there is a local Apache-Server on my NAS)
Yes, you´re right, that`s one of a lot of reasons, why I build the site new.

Und auch von mir gerne wieder Grüße aus dem schneefreien Heidelberg.
And also from me gladly again greetings from the snow-free Heidelberg.
puncto – grafik & marketing
D - 69126 Heidelberg
Actually you´ll find my work here:
User 122279 Photo

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Na dann ist es gut, dass Du die Seiten umgestaltest. ;)
Heidelberg, wie? - bin schon lange nicht mehr dort gewesen. Ich hab', dagegen, "noch einen Koffer in Berlin". ;)

OK, then it's good, that you are reworking your pages.

Heidelberg, eh? - Haven't been there for a long time. Instead 'I still have a suitcase in Berlin'. ;)

Viele Grüsse,
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 244626 Photo

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811 posts

I updated my component template to show Navbar Hamburger Menu to auto close on click selection or anywhere outside in the body. (js fix)

(I had to change from .button to .a)
Bootstrap 5 CSS Grid.
User 2093190 Photo

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115 posts

Uwe Schmitt wrote:
Hi there,

here´s my current project:


Updated Link: … /home.html
puncto – grafik & marketing
D - 69126 Heidelberg
Actually you´ll find my work here:
User 2847388 Photo

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13 posts

Not 100% complete yet, and the domain is still propagating.... Should be up within the next 15 hours though.
User 122279 Photo

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When opening the link, I see no navigation. I have to click on the logo top left to get to the start page WITH navigation.

A bug - or a feature? ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 244626 Photo

Registered User
811 posts

Aaron wrote:
Not 100% complete yet, and the domain is still propagating.... Should be up within the next 15 hours though.

Well done ! Nice clean open feel and great layout information.....
Bootstrap 5 CSS Grid.

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