Payment Tab - Authorize.Net

User 2370499 Photo

Registered User
24 posts

Hi there,

On the Payment tab, Payment Options: I choose Authorize.Net -->Enabled the checkbox and then putting in the API Login ID and Transaction Key. After I press the OK button below, it shows me a pop-up windows saying Information for the following payment option(s) is missing: PayPal Website Payments Standard. Please enter the required information before proceeding.

I am NOT setting PayPal. I am setting up Authorized.Net. Please help!! I need this ASAP!

Thank you,
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,574 posts

Are you working in Bootstrap in either RBB or RSD? There is no 'Payment Options', just a Paypal button. You must be talking about Web Form builder. If so, post in the Form builder forum, then probably Eric will come to your rescue. ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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