Please read the important announcement concerning changes to how our forums operate. Please take a moment to read my post as soon as possible. If you have any questions and or concerns, you can always reach me at
Before submitting a question:
Please do a search to see if someone else has asked about the same problem. You might even find a solution! We want to be able to answer all your questions, and helps a lot if we don't have the same questions posted over and over again. Although we also try to monitor these forums as often as we can, our primary support is handled through our support system at so should you need to reach us quickly, please use that method.
When you post asking for help, please give as much information as possible. If you are not getting a reply to a post, 99% of the time it is because not enough information was provided.
Also, remember what your mom always told you: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar! Most of the people who answer questions in this forum are people just like you, so remember to treat them with kindness.

Things that should ALWAYS be included:
2. Operating system.
3. Version of the application.
4. Trial or registered version.
5. What specific steps have you taken to create this issue?
6. Does it occur every time?
7. Can you recreate the issue on another computer?
And afterward...
If your issue has been fixed, or if you have managed to fix it yourself, please come back and either close the thread or post what you learned for others to read.
Thank you,
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