Format: PDF - 27 pages
Author: CoffeeCup Software, Inc.
Published: Jul 3, 2008
Note: You need Acrobat Reader to read PDF files.
Web forms are one of the best and most effective ways to communicate with your users. But what’s the best way to set them up? Is there a way you can make your forms more visually attractive and easy to use? Is there a way to ensure that more users fill them out correctly?
The answers to all these questions and more are in the CoffeeCup Web Form Design Guide — your first step toward creating more beautiful, functional, and user-oriented forms. Naturally, the Web Form Design Guide is a fantastic complement to CoffeeCup Web Form Builder, but the advice provided holds true for all forms on the web, even those not built with our software. With its colorful examples and layman-friendly language, this guide is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to learn more about creating effective web forms.
As with every book there are a few errors. We have outlined them in the errata. Thank you to all the people that pointed these out.