Website Access Manager offers many of the same features available within a site control panel such as Plesk, vDeck, or cPanel. The difference is that Website Access Manager simplifies these processes, putting everything you need to manage password protection in one place.

For instance, in a site control panel, IP blocking, customizing error pages, and password protecting parts of your site are all different functions, but these are all available from the main Website Access Manager workspace. Additionally, if you wanted to apply password protection to several different areas of your webpage, your site control panel would require you to navigate between pages. With our program, you can do this with a few clicks of your mouse. This gives you greater freedom for modifying these settings.

Another advantage to using Website Access Manager is the ability to add detailed user profiles. Most site control panels only allow you to add a username and password; our program contains more than a dozen information fields. These also come in handy when using the built-in e-mail templates, which you can set to automatically draw information from your user profiles.

Overall, Website Access Manager does a better job of consolidating different functions than site control panels, as well as offering you the ability to keep a detailed record of your users' information and to send e-mails from within the program.