If you experience issues sending e-mail with Website Access Manager, your best bet is to go to Tools > Edit E-mail Settings and make sure your e-mail settings are correct. Please note that you should use the e-mail account provided by your web host, such as youraccount@comcast.net or youraccount@aol.com.

F.Y.I., general e-mail settings are the primary e-mail settings used to send e-mails from within the program. You should configure this section in the same way you would configure an e-mail program such as Outlook or Thunderbird. If you are unsure of this information, contact the company that provides your e-mail address. Below you will find examples of how to configure these settings for some of the more popular hosting platforms.

If your e-mail settings are correct, contact your mail server administrator. Because the software cannot access internal mail logs, there is no way for us to know the exact error. In addition, many mail servers have strict security settings to prevent spamming and spoofing. This may interfere with Website Access Manager’s e-mail option.

If all else fails, you can export your Website Access Manager data to a .csv or .txt file and then perform a mail merge with your favorite word processing program. It's not quite as convenient, but it still allows you to access all your users' information.






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