Journal Pros

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  • Title: Registered User

  • Posts: 22 posts

  • Bio: Journal Pros (formerly HoJo Publications), publishers of A Gardener's Journal, is owned by friends and fellow entrepreneurs, Holly Eads and Jodi Benedict. Holly and Jodi worked on several creative projects together before becoming partners to further their interests in publishing a series of journal, diary products. All of their publications feature trendy designs, of course, but more importantly they are functional.

    "Each of our journals contains forms to collect information on what we think other average people (such as ourselves) would like to track and record for later use. Like you, we enjoy practicality and so our journals are designed with the user in mind! We design them to be the only journal you will ever need."

  • Last Visit: Jun 5th, 2011 at 09:22 PM