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  • Title: Registered User

  • Posts: 14 posts

  • Bio: I've been designing websites since 2000. I started my business as Everything Computers back in 1996, I was into hardware, building and repairing computers. In early 2000 building and repairing was not as lucrative and I found that I liked programming a whole lot more than RAM and motherboards. In 2002 I changed my business name to ETC Web Designs using (EveryThingComputers) in the name. I know a few other programming languages but I spend more time on HTML, Javascript and CSS if you want to call it a language. I started using Coffee Cup products when they first started because they made my life very easy, then I learned the language and I started using CC products to help cut down time.

  • Last Visit: Jan 2nd, 2025 at 09:53 PM