Articles tagged “FTP” - Order by...

The Images I Upload Appear Distorted.

This can occur if you upload your pictures in ASCII mode instead of binary. To switch the transfer mode, navigate to Actions > Transfer Mode , and then select the proper mode from the list....

FTP Overview.

What is FTP? What does FTP stand for? What do I use FTP for? What does ... mean? What is an FTP client? What is a server profile? What is Passive...

How Do You Use Free FTP?

Getting Started The first thing you have to do in order to use Free FTP is set up your server profile. You can do this by clicking File > Manage Servers . This will open the My Servers...

What are the Limitations of the Trial Version of Direct FTP?

The trial version of Direct FTP has the same functionality as the registered version. The only difference between the two is that the trial expires after 25 days.

Uploading Files

Follow these three steps to upload your files to your server: Step 1: Once you are connected to your server, navigate to the folder where you want to store your files. You can do this by...

I Can't Connect.

If you receive a specific error, refer to the FTP Error Codes article in this Knowledgebase. If not, there are several possible causes for this issue. The best way to determine if the reason you...

425 Can't Open Data Connection

Error : 425 can't open data connection This error usually arises from not having passive mode turned on. To do this, go to File > Manage Servers , select the server profile you wish...

Why Use CoffeeCup Direct FTP?

CoffeeCup Direct FTP is a program designed to give users the ability to transfer files from a home computer to a server. For instance, if you are designing a website, you can use Direct FTP to...

Can I Transfer My Profiles to Another Computer?

To backup your Direct FTP database, you simply need to copy the file to a secure location. Once you do that, you can then install Direct FTP on the new system and copy the file back.  Here is...

After Upgrading to 6.x, I Can No Longer Connect to My Server.

Incorrect Proxy Information First, you should make sure you did not enter proxy server information by mistake. If you don't know what a proxy server is, or if you have not been instructed...

530 Login Incorrect

Error : 530 login incorrect This is caused by an invalid username or password. If this connection has worked in the past, you may try deleting the profile and creating it again. Also, check to...

Setting Up Secure FTP.

If you plan to upload files containing sensitive information and would like an added level of security, you can enable this option in Direct FTP. Navigate to File > Manage Servers , click...

FTP Return and Error Codes.

If you experience errors uploading with Direct FTP, you may want to check the access logs on your server for any of the following FTP error codes. 500 Series: The command was not accepted...

I Can Connect to My Server, But I Can't Upload.

There are several potential reasons why you are not able to upload your webpages: You may need to upload your files to a specific subfolder on your server. To set this subfolder,...

Chapter 1: Adding A Place

There are four different types of places that you can add when configuring a connection. Each connection type helps you maintain your documents, photos, music, and videos keeping everything...

Chapter 2: Using Places

Now that you have all your profiles setup and are ready to go, let’s put them to good use! Places has a lot of neat features for such a small program. Using them is rather easy, but we want to...

Does Website Access Manager Work Over SFTP or SCP?

At this time, Website Access Manager only works with the FTP protocol running on port 21. SFTP and SCP run on port 22, so they are not compatible with the program. Because Website Access...

Chapter 3: Places Settings

An FTP program does not need a lot of settings to get the job done. That is why we have minimized the settings used in Places. There are two sections found under Tools > Settings , Options...

Chapter 4: Advanced Features in Places

Backup and Restore We have included a quick and simple way to backup and restore your Places profiles. To do this click File > Backup and save your backup to a location you will remember....

Chapter 5: Additional Information on Places

System Requirements To use the latest version of CoffeeCup Places, the software must be installed on Windows Vista (yuck!) or Windows 7/8/8.1 with Internet Explorer 9 or higher. If you are...