Is there a way to protect a page with...

User 453447 Photo

Trial User
1 post

I'm creating my personal website with some pages for my professional experience that I do not want to be public but, rather, protected by a password that will be given only to some persons (i.e. recruiters). Is there a way to program it in the page button so that it verifies thru some rules that the passaword is valid? Not thinking about a database of passwords since this would be more complicated. I was thinking mostly of some rules like 6th digit has to be the 3rd plus 2, etc... that once resolved ok would allow the access to the restricted page. Thanks for the help.

User 122279 Photo

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CoffeeCup has a programme called Password Wizard that you can find here:

At this location you'll find some tips about how to make the protection safer still: … ngs-up/761
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Inger, Norway

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