Articles tagged “HTML” - Order by...

Switching Between Open Files

There are a couple of different options for switching between open files in the HTML Editor. Window Menu The Window menu allows you to see all the files open in the Editor. Click...

Responsive Themes: What are they?

You may be asking yourself what really is a Responsive theme and why do I need one? Well a responsive theme is a process of web design that allows a website designer to restructure a website at...

Uploading Files to Your Server.

If you want other people to be able to view your website on the Internet, you'll need to upload it to a server. The logistics of this process are a little hazy for some beginners, so...

Using the Editor Pane in Direct FTP

Not only does Direct FTP have the ability to upload files, it also comes with a built-in, fully functional HTML editor. For the most part, the Editor functions just like any plain text editor,...

What is Hosting?

What is Hosting? What do these terms mean? What is a Web Server? What does HTTP stand for? What is a Domain Name? What is an IP Address?...

Why Do I See a Box with a Red X Where My Image is Supposed to Be?

There are a couple of different issues that could explain why your images are not displaying correctly: Note : Most of these problems can be solved by transitioning to using Website...

Using Snippets

If you've ever been frustrated at having to type the same piece of code over and over, you'll love snippets. A snippet is a piece of code stored in the HTML Editor that can be used...

Error I/O 183

You may receive this error if you are trying to edit files that the HTML Editor cannot understand because they don't contain valid HTML code. You will not be able to edit these files with...

Post Your Image Map to Your Webpage

This is the final step in creating an image map -- posting the map on your webpage. There are two simple steps to this process. First, copy the HTML code from Image Mapper and paste it on...

How to Insert an E-mail Link.

Follow these steps to add an e-mail link to your page: Step 1 Open the Insert E-mail Link window using one of these options: Go to Insert > E-mail Link...

Uninstalling Software

Typically, you can uninstall the software with the uninstaller in the program menu by going to: Start > Programs > CoffeeCup Software > APP NAME > Uninstall If you are having trouble doing it...

How to Insert a Link.

Follow these steps to add a link to your page: Step 1 Open the Insert Link window using one of these options: Go to Insert > Link Right-click the page...

How to Add Comments to Your HTML.

A comment is text that doesn't show up on the page, but does show up in the code. Web designers often use comments in their code for reference purposes. To add comments to a page in...

How To Create Lists.

Lists are a great way to present your information in an organized, eye-catching way. Sure, you could use plain text to get your point across, but lists are much easier and faster to read....

I Don't Know HTML. Can I Still Use the Program?

Using CoffeeCup HTML requires that you understand the basics of HTML, but you don't need to be an expert. In fact, just reading the online help articles should be enough to get you up and...

Creating Custom Palettes.

If you're the type of web designer who works with both the page design and the code, then you'll appreciate CoffeeCup HTML Editor's color picker. Gone are the days of experimenting...

What is a Horizontal Rule?

A horizontal rule (<hr>) is a line that goes across a webpage, like so: That was just a default horizontal rule — it's totally possible to create stylish ones, too! To...

Why Use CoffeeCup Image Mapper?

Creating image maps can be tricky. You have to specify coordinates for the areas of your map, and it is not always clear just by looking at the image what these coordinates will be. It can get...

I Can't View the Help File.

Note : In HTML Editor version 2009 and later, the .chm help file was replaced with a PDF. To upgrade to the latest version of the HTML Editor, download it from your My Products page . If you...

What is an Image Map?

An image map is an image that acts as a link, but instead of simply acting as a link to a single page, the image acts as a link to multiple pages. For instance, say you have a map of the United...

What is Website Color Schemer?

Website Color Schemer is a program that helps you choose a color scheme for your website. After all, we don't want OUR users creating websites with mismatched colors ;) Select colors...

I Receive an Error That Refers to MFC42.dll.

When you receive this error, it means that the version of MFC42.dll on your computer is older than the one installed with the program. For whatever reason, the file is not being updated during...

FTP Overview.

What is FTP? What does FTP stand for? What do I use FTP for? What does ... mean? What is an FTP client? What is a server profile? What is Passive...

Squares or Question Marks Appear in Place of Spaces.

These characters will appear in place of spaces if the text was originally written in another application, such as Microsoft Word, and then copied and pasted into the Visual Editor tab . The...

No Such Interface Supported

If you get the "No Such Interface Supported" error when either launching HTML Editor or trying to access the Visual Editor in the program, this means you have installed the software...

Centering Pages With CSS

The code below can be used to center your webpage in a browser window. The code will need to be pasted after the <head> tag but before the </head> tag. <style...

How Do I Link to Different Sections on the Same Page? (HTML Editor)

You've been designing your site and have figured out that a page can be as long as necessary. This is great, but it can be a pain when you're dealing with longer pages. Help out your...

How Do I Manually Install HTML Editor Themes? (HTML Editor 2010 First Edition and Lower)

If you are using any version of the HTML Editor lower than 2010 SE, you will have to manually install any themes you buy from our Theme Shop . Here's how: Download your HTML...

Why Use CoffeeCup Direct FTP?

CoffeeCup Direct FTP is a program designed to give users the ability to transfer files from a home computer to a server. For instance, if you are designing a website, you can use Direct FTP to...

How Do I Turn On the Word Wrap Feature?

To turn on the Word Wrap feature, go to View > Toggle Word Wrap or click the Edit Display icon in the Code Editor toolbar (it's the second-to-last one on the right) and select...