Publishing your forms to the web is easy when you use Web Form Builder's built-in S-Drive integration. Your forms are hosted on our servers and available to the entire world—plus, your form results are automatically recorded and displayed in the S-Drive Dashboard. (Beats messing around with a MySQL database!)

Before you can publish a form, you'll need to set up your CoffeeCup account in the Form Publishing tab. If you need help setting this up, read this article.

When your form is ready for the web and your account is set up, simply click the Publish toolbar button.

You’ll probably be prompted to save the form first, which is always a good idea. Click publish as many times as you want; Web Form Builder will overwrite all the necessary files so you don’t end up with hundreds of redundant files.

A window pops up, giving you a play-by-play on how the upload is going.

The last part of the publishing process is the Form Successfully Published window:

You can click the link shown here to test the form in the real world—right on the web! It’s not just a really good preview, it’s the real deal.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully designed and uploaded a basic contact form. Without setting up anything else, form results will start collecting in your S-Drive Dashboard. You’ll be able to read and manage those results in a slick interface.

Hosting your website with another server?

Learn how to publish your form to S-Drive and embed it into a third party website.