Can't see my thread. - Post ID 252550

User 18070 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

A few days ago I started a thread asking if Coffee Cup could write the code necessary to run audio files on my site.

I can no longer find that thread.

Would it have been removed for any reason?
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User 187934 Photo

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Hi Syncopator, I'm not sure why it was deleted as I know I read it and Brian responded to it.
Give this code a try.
<audio preload="auto" autoplay="true" loop="true" controls="true">
<source src="mycoolsong.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
<source src="mycoolsong.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
Your browser does not support the audio element.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 379556 Photo

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I reported earlier this morning the disappearance of the thread, which seems to have been due to a glitch in the forum software.

I had tried to add a reply as follows:
" may also be of interest regarding this."

Unfortunately, on clicking the button to submit that post, the forum website seemed just to go into a spin - I couldn't even logout. When I returned later I found my post duplicated several times. I deleted the duplicates successfully except for the last one. On clicking the button to delete that last duplicate, the whole thread disappeared, and I didn't even know in which forum the thread was. I therefore reported what had happened in the support room under the title 'Forum hiccup'.

I am sorry that my innocent action triggered this problem.

User 18070 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Thank you both, Eric and Frank.

Half an hour or so ago I was writing a response to Eric's post when my USB ports stopped working and I lost what I was typing.
I shall start again in Notepad and save every so often, then paste it here .......

Oh yes, I don't where I can subscribe to a thread.
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User 379556 Photo

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When one is logged in, the 'Subscribe' button is at the top of the thread - it's the middle button.

User 18070 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Thank you Eric,
But that doesn't do what I want.
Perhaps you would take a look at the working page and its source.

I have also discovred that the video clips page works only in IE8 or 11 too.

I think I explained in my absent thread that I had copied code from "Web Design in a Nutshell", published by O'Reilly in 1999. (It was $4.99 in a branch of Barnes and Noble in Connecticut.)

Most of my site was written in Namo, or later, Dreamweaver, both of which are not recent versions.

I haven't learnt coding, but I have managed to modify code I've seen elsewhere.

At my age, half way to 151 years, I am reluctant, and extremely unlikey, to cross swords with HTML, CSS and other relevant things which, I'm afraid, will remain largely closed books for me.


Thank you, but I'm afraid that page is a mystery to me. I just don't understand it.
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User 18070 Photo

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7 posts

I omitted to reiterate that the site works correctly only in IE8 and IE11.
Equal rights for equal responsibilities.
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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

This shows why the more modern browsers are 'choking' on the <embed> items: … Fclips.htm

Maybe Eric can help you figure that out.
I've never embedded sound/video – I just put it on Youtube (or similar) and then use their code snippet on my site.
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User 18070 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Thank you paintbrush.

Unless I happen, serendipitously, to come across a modern book as useful as was "Web Design in a Nutshell", I will, in all probability, leave things as they are. As long as a would be visitor to my site has IE8 or 11 they will be able to see everything presented correctly. Otherwise they won't.

I can't afford to lose any sleep over it :(
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