Advantages and disadvantages of...

User 2785462 Photo

3 posts

As I responsive design comes to show the same effect as per need of different devices. That means web pages will be seen perfect in both mobile and desktop. Is this only advantage of responsive design? This kind of design has any disadvantages?
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

Hi Zack,
When your discussing advantages you need to classify them. There's designer advantages and end user advantages.
Only having to maintain one site is the designers advantage.
The only designer disadvantage I can think of would be that the design process has several more steps then a static design. You really should start with a design that is easy to keep looking great at every screen size. This is easier said then done but once you build a few pages the concepts tend to show themselves and it does become easier like any thing that's new.

I would say end users are almost all good advantages. You have content delivered to you clearly no matter what size device you decide to access it on.

A page doesn't have to completely fit a devices screen even though that is typically the wanted end result. I have a page that's responsive only down to about a tablet because it would be impossible to use it on any smaller devices because of it's intended use.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2785462 Photo

3 posts

Sorry for typing mistake...The correct one is
"As much as I know---responsive design comes to show the same effect as per need of different devices. That means web pages will be seen perfect in both mobile and desktop. Is this only advantage of responsive design? This kind of design has any disadvantages?"
User 2785462 Photo

3 posts

Thanks Eric. Your post is a great assistance for me in order to clarify my idea .....
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Let's also not forget that it is now a requirement by Google and I'm sure some of the other search engines and those that do not "assimilate" run the risk of losing status in the rankings. That there is probably the best reason to go responsive really. And it's fun too if you're using Responsive Layout Maker or the coming soon Responsive Site Designer.
User 2833173 Photo

4 posts

The biggest advantage of responsive design is it's compatibility with phone as we all know mostly traffic of a websites comes from mobiles in these days so responsive design gives a great advantage to website in business.
User 2836044 Photo

5 posts

Nowadays, Responsive website design is mandatory for all websites, whether the website belongs to large or small business. The main advantage of responsive design is that, it provides great website visibility to users, whether, they are using smart phones or desktop.
User 2861658 Photo

2 posts

Advantage in making a responsive site, when you cross platform your design wont be distorted when your switching from mobile to PC.
User 2910495 Photo

2 posts

Responsive web design has its pros and cons, the pros would be easier marketing resolution and its also cheap but the cons are its technically difficult and it also cant adapt in a bad content.using responsive design cant allow your content to be adapt between mobile devices and content for desktop versions.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,509 posts

Amy, what you are writing here sounds to me like nonsense, but maybe you can explain a bit further what you mean, e.g. by 'cant adapt in a bad content', and what problems there are with adapting it.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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