Google's New reCAPTCHA! - Page 3 -...

User 2414738 Photo

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I am also very disappointed by the fact that Coffee Cup is not updating WFB to include the new reCaptcha.
User 2833234 Photo

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I just recently brought this WFB, as I wanted the reCAPTCHA feature, and I find that it still uses the old version of reCAPTCHA! As I am hosting the website elsewhere i.e. not S-DRIVE, can anyone advise me how I can manually edit my form to use the new reCAPTCHA?

in the meantime I am very disappointed that Coffeecup hasn't updated this software to accommodate the new reCAPTCHA, and I only just purchase it in the last month!
User 2460985 Photo

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Seriously the new reCAPTCHA is not in WFB? I just bought it after seeing what I thought was an announcement saying it has been added, here: (they even show a screenshot of the 'I am not a robot' widget in that post..)

That really is a disappointment. How hard could it be to update the code? It seems there is plenty of interest from your customers.
User 2088758 Photo

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Hi James please pay close attention to this part of the post

Google Gmail Account Required
Yes, it is true. To use reCAPTCHA you need to have a Google account. If you are not signed in you will be asked to choose which account you wish to use to create your reCAPTCHA. If you do not have an account your will need to sign up for one to continue.
Once signed into your Google account you should see a page like this:
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User 1885266 Photo

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Are we all on the same page? Steve your post makes no since to me. This post is in regards to the web form builder and its capabilities of using the new Google No Captcha or ReCaptcha V2.

Are there any plans on updating your software to include the new version 2 of Google No Captcha?

User 187934 Photo

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Hi Chris,
I haven't heard when the next update of the form builder will come. I also haven't heard what it will include if and when it's done.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 10077 Photo

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So much griping. Must we all rely on Google? As far as I can tell, all you do with Google is check a box and Google somehow reads your mind that you're not a robot.

Scott has already posted the answer and it's easy. Looks like this in WFB:

Add a checkbox.
Remove the label.
Set the group name to captcha.
Set the layout to side by side.
Remove all options except one, and make that one say: "I'm not a robot."
Require 1 option to be checked.
Change the font and font size and other formatting as desired.

It's not completely foolproof, but it works.
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Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
User 2460985 Photo

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Brian Durfee wrote:
So much griping. Must we all rely on Google? As far as I can tell, all you do with Google is check a box and Google somehow reads your mind that you're not a robot.

Scott has already posted the answer and it's easy. Looks like this in WFB:

Add a checkbox.
Remove the label.
Set the group name to captcha.
Set the layout to side by side.
Remove all options except one, and make that one say: "I'm not a robot."
Require 1 option to be checked.
Change the font and font size and other formatting as desired.

It's not completely foolproof, but it works.

Brian, no, it doesn't 'somehow read your mind', it tracks your behaviour on the site and uses that combined with other analytics to gauge whether you are a robot or not. For times when it believes you are not a human, it has you click a few simple pictures to verify you as human. Any bot can check a box, and by default most will just click check boxes.

So no, just adding a required checkbox will not offer you any real spam protection at all.

User 474778 Photo

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215 posts

Brian's suggestion does not actually implement reCAPTCHA. However, it rather cleverly simulates it with a psychological trick that might be just fine for many applications, IMHO.

For a reCAPTCHA example embedded in a site based on a Coffee Cup-supplied template, see NOTE: This is a live site. Please don't complete and send the related email form unless you have a genuine interest in the site's purpose, because real humans will receive it.

MODX, my favorite CMS (content management system), provides an open-source, no-cost, user-developed add-on that made it relatively easy to add reCAPTCHA to the site. You can anonymously download and have a look at the add-on here:

I say "relatively easy" because implementing reCAPTCHA requires several steps. If registering and learning to work with an entity you can't control (i.e., Google) weren't bad enough, you'll also have to manage reCAPTCHA's encryption keys. You'll also find that reCAPTCHA styling options are rather limited.

Good luck!
halfnium -AT-
Yes, I looked just like that in 1962.
User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

I like Scott's suggestion.

The other way is to add a simple maths sum such as 2 x 2. This was posted years ago.


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