With a couple of weeks off, I have...

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Had some stomach stuff going on for the last two weeks and had to take some time off from work. Didn't really feel like doing much so I watched movies, sipped ice water and of course, surfed the usual forums and answered/asked questions. I spent a lot of time on CoffeeCup and I have to question when someone is bending over backwards for good customer service until their back is broke. The previous statement begs a serious question about customer service.

A couple of times on the forums, tickets were submitted and they were upset because it didn't get answered immediately(like an hour).

Newbie Tip(been there not long ago and still green): If you get a response within 48 hrs, that is exceptional customer service. I belong to 2 membership sites and I would do backflips(pay per view) to get the response that Coffeecup offers. Recent example of what could be bad CS:

Site gets hacked due to security vulnerability(no posting on the vendors site-- found out on another forum)

I reload site and the script has a autoupdate feature.

Doesnt work.

After I reupload the site per instructions 4 times and 8 emails later, it isn't fixed(the last 3 emails from the vendor was "you are next on my list"-->implying in couple of hours)...The emails started over 3 weeks ago.

This makes me a little upset when you pay good money and nothing seems to get done.

Now Coffeecup:

Last year I contacted Coffeecup and they took a message. Cezar Perez (hope I got his name right)responded within say 24-48 hrs, but what was interesting was that a couple of months later he sent another email asking me about the problem and making sure I had got a response. Was his answer what I wanted to hear? No.(I can't do that with the software).Was I impressed with the follow up. Yes!

True I am high on Coffeecup, not because a lot of there software is viable for experienced designers, but it gives new web designers an entry point to start from and few issues have I really had with the product. I like VSD so I decided what the heck this year and am using VSD instead of open//source solutions for a couple of sites.

I guess the jist is some people are not only new to web design, but they are not discerning what good customer service is. That's just my 2 cents.
Web Design: https://www.websnoogie.com
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

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