What are you doing this Memorial Day?...

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

I just got back not long ago from a nice early meal made entirely from organically grown ingredients. Organically grown food tastes far superior than food that has been molested by man. Now, I am sitting outside enjoying the end of a warm day smoking a fine Camacho and drinking a Guinness. I have to admit that the Irish brew one heck of a great stout. My way of honoring the fallen angels who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that I may live free from tyranny and oppression.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Although Memorial Day has officially ended this year, I have decided to repeat the most enjoyable activity of sitting outside enjoying a Camacho and Guinness whilst I post. Even though my dinner tonight was not of the organically grown variety, the Camacho and Guinness retain the same superior quality as yesterday. Ahh...Life is good. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 345577 Photo

Registered User
373 posts

Well, geez, Joker. Looks like you threw a party and nobody showed up! I'll chime in to make you feel good. :D

Drove home from central northern lower Michigan in heavy traffic, suffering several delays due to construction or wildly circuitous GPS-inspired detours, while rabidly scratching maddeningly-itchy 'no see um' welts. Nasty little buggers, they.

Have had more enjoyable Memorial Days... :/
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

That's OK, Chuck. I realize peeps were too busy posting in every other thread to stop by. Or perhaps they have something against a fine Corojo. Welcome to the party. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Hi Joker
Over in the UK we also have a holiday and call it Whitsuntide. ie Whit Monday.
The derivation is I believe
The seventh Sunday after Easter; commemorates the emanation of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles; a quarter day in Scotland.

I was sat outside in the evening with a cool pint of Timothy Talyors beer (a very local brew).
I enjoy Guiness as well. Ever tried Guiness with a shot of port on the top.
Interesting flavour but I prefer the stout chilled straight out of the pump.
Not as good as the original brewed in Ireland (somehing to do with the local water).
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club http://www.orrufc.co.uk
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band http://www.riley-tuxedojunction.co.uk
The Commons Guest House http://www.thecommons-guesthouse.co.uk
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Sounds interesting, Dave. Thanks for sharing.

I have had Port but find it a bit sweet for my taste. I've sampled many fine wines throughout the U.S. and Europe, but prefer a nice brew. Murphy's is also very good. :)

I never made it to Ireland while I was in Europe, just Germany and France. I'll have to visit Ireland and Scotland the next time I'm on that side of the pond.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!

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