Stupid Questions - Post ID 2768

User 297471 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

OK, so I know that this is going to sound dumb, but I already have a software package for a message board which was a pain in the butt to get up and running.

I can't find an instruction manual on this site that tells me what to do with the CoffeeCup software I can upload. Where does it go? Once I download the files, where to I put them on the server?

Can I use the chat feature even though I am using another software package, and how do I merge the 2?

I appreciate your help.
User 4539 Photo

Registered User
540 posts

Hello, Lizbaby4!

I'm not 100% clear on what you are asking for from your post. Are you asking for instructions on how to use this forum? (It didn't sound like you were, but in case you were, here's the only URL I can find that has something resembling some "help" info: )

If you're looking for instructions manuals for the individual CoffeeCup software packages, there's a help file that comes with each of (most of) the packages (the *.chm files) and which gets installed on your hard disk along with the software itself. Additional help articles for specific packages can be had at , and also in the subject areas of this forum.

However, you mention "uploading" CoffeeCup software after "downloading" them. Are you planning on being a server for trial copies of CoffeeCup software? It might be easier to just put links to CoffeeCup instead of using up a lot of bandwidth being a server for such files (especially if you're paying by GB of traffic per month or something). Check out .

Finally, if you're looking for the instructions for using the BBS sofware, your best bet may be to contact the publisher, or to Google the name of your software package. You might find some user group forums ... The forum here is mostly for help on CoffeeCup web design software packages.

I don't know if any of this helped, but it may be a start...

Oh, incidentally, you might want to replace your e-mail address in your forum nickname with something else so that spammers won't be paying you a visit! Just click on your username and edit your "Nickname" in the profiles screen. :D Cheers!
Mostly just lurking these days ...
User 297471 Photo

Registered User
4 posts is my server, and there is a link to download CoffeeCup, which I clicked on. Now what do I do?
User 297471 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

OK, it appears as though I have uploaded the files to my public_html file on my ftp page. How do I get the program to run? I need to upload the xml file from my server onto my AdminCp as a plug in. How do I do that? I am using vBulletin software to run my forums, and it does not give me an option to browse my ftp page. Is there a specific address or something I need to use?

This is so confusing!
User 4539 Photo

Registered User
540 posts


I'm still a bit confused about your question. The CoffeeCup programs are meant to be downloaded to your PC, and run on your PC to help you create webpages with all kinds of content, and then upload to your server the web page files you've created.

Your post above seems to imply that you've loaded the CoffeeCup software on your web hosting server?

Actually, if your question is on how to run the bulletin board software, the appropriate place to ask your questions would be to the support people, or the public forums, of that bulletin board software.

Please let us know...
Mostly just lurking these days ...
User 297471 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

OK, let me see if I can explain simply.

I downloaded the chat software to my computer. I set up the chat board, and then used the ftp direct to upload it to my server. How do I get it to run? The instructions only show how to set it up and then upload it, but they do not show what to do after that.

Since it is not part of my forum software, they will not advise me on how to run it.
User 4539 Photo

Registered User
540 posts


Ah, you're talking about the Live Chat software! Now we're getting somewhere...

Unfortunately, I don't use that software, so I personally can't answer your question. :( However, I can point you to four areas that might be of help, and may get you started in your search for answers to your questions.

1. Here's the (admittedly sparse) on-line FAQ page for Live Chat in the CoffeeCup website. (From the evaluations of the users, these three questions and answers don't seem to have helped much). The URL is:

2. Here's the search results page for all the "Live Chat" questions that have popped up in this forum recently: The URL is:
Some other forum visitor may have posted similar questions and have had them answered.

3. Re-post your question (your post immediately before this one) in the Our News/Contact Software section of this forum --- that's where you'll find posts for questions for Live Chat and other related software.

Alternatively: Inger and/or Kim (volunteer moderators), could you move this post to the "Our News/Contact Software" section?

(Liz: It's probably better for you to re-post in your own words and ask the questions to fellow Live Chat users in the "Our News/Contact Software" section.)

4. Finally, contact CoffeeCup customer support using the form provided (or call them) in the CoffeeCup web site. I find them pretty helpful most of the time.

Good luck on getting Live Chat up and running, Liz. Sorry I couldn't help you much further at this point! :D
Mostly just lurking these days ...
User 462807 Photo

Registered User
1 post

New problem
Had to completely re due my computer. Lost all files etc.
Copied vis des to thumb drive. Forgot to copy my documents with web folders
Have down loaded files from web hosting.
How do I get this to work? I've tried to load to vis, but nothing seems to work.What next?
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya David,

Bad news I'm afraid, unless you have the actual .vnu file that VSD uses, you cannot edit your site from files that it's extracted and uploaded to your site, it can only be edited from the .vnu file that it creates and saves to your computer. Sounds to me like you're about to learn some HTML :/
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

VSD uploads the .vnu file to your server when you publish (at least the newer version does). So if you downloaded that file from your server you could work on it. Otherwise, yeah what Jo Ann said is correct, without the .vnu file you CANNOT work with your site in VSD.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D

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