Some thoughts on WFB, BB, MB and RLMP...

User 2336860 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Now that is a mouthful of acronyms to start off with.

Here are my friendly thoughts on what this wonderful suite of programs needs.


Needs to allow breakpoints to still be seen and adjusted when using Preview mode in the program. As it is now, when you choose Preview the breakpoints are removed from view, so if you do have a breakpoint set behind the toolbar you can not edit it easily. Or optionally allow the toolbar to be hidden like in MB.

Make use of the Properties>Element>Text input for image elements as the text used for ALT tags in the exported RLMP HTML code. As it is now anything you enter in the text input box for an image element only shows in RLMP. But when you export the code the ALT tags that are produced in the exported HTML have generic ALT tag entries. So then upon export one has to go through and manually change all ALT tags. See RLMP exported code example below:

<div class="row">
<div class="coffee-span-12"><img class="image-4-3" src="img/image-4x3.svg" alt="Image">
<div class="row">
<div class="coffee-span-6"><img class="square" src="img/ad-1x1.svg" alt="Square Ad">
<div class="coffee-span-4">
<a class="link-image-4-3" href="#"><img src="img/image-link-4x3.svg" alt="Image Link">
<div class="coffee-span-2"><img class="logo" src="img/logo-1x1.svg" alt="Logo">

An Export button on the top toolbar!!! PLEASE! Both Button Builder and Menu Builder have this.

How often are we going to see updates for CoffeeGrinder? Do you have a future roadmap we could sneak a peek at? Or just some hints as to what is to come for CoffeeGrinder?


An Export button on the top toolbar!!! Please! Both Button Builder and Menu Builder have this.

Maybe a slider/breaker bar also. After all the forms can be responsive as well. If a slider/breaker are added in, please allow for arrow key control over the slider like in RLMP.

And just as an aesthetic fix, make the programs GUI look like the other responsive programs (BB, MB and RLMP)

BB and MB:

Please add arrow key control over the slider like in RLMP.


Again this is purely aesthetic, but as much as I don't mind the dark theme that RLMP sports, I like and prefer the lighter theme that is used by BB and MB. Maybe add a user option for either light or dark theme for the programs. And once again make WFB look like the rest of the responsive programs.

User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,088 posts

Very good ideas Scott! I will second this post.
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Steve Kolish

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