Let Our Troops Know You Care! - Post...

User 42578 Photo

1,176 posts

I don't know what to say other than shame on you.
I did not see any anti-americanism in Fe's post.

BTW, I am an USAF veteran with 2 tours in Vietnam.
I left the US because of closed minded people like you.

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Mike wrote:
I don't know what to say other than shame on you.
I did not see any anti-americanism in Fe's post.

BTW, I am an USAF veteran with 2 tours in Vietnam.
I left the US because of closed minded people like you.


I believe her post in the Ambassador forum referring to our "nasty American flag" and "hates being in the US" insinuates exactly those sentiments, Mike. Sorry you don't see it like that. But thank you for your service.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

OK, I think this thread really has taken a turn for the worse. Tom's post was just to share something nice he found but has turned into something very counterproductive.

We are all friends here but getting into a political battle on what our different governments are doing belongs over at FoxNews ;)

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User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Just delete the thread, Scott.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 147665 Photo

712 posts

lol, FoxNews is funny.. I don't know if it's actually news, but it can be entertaining though.
If you don't like what a political entity is doing, write a letter to 'that' person or group.. That's what I do, hundreds of them..

User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

Although I have to agree with Mike, I am glad there are still people like Tom out there sticking up for our troops still (hard to find now a days) while my son and others son's are fighting for our well being and freedom. Need to change topics too!:)

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Well we do live in a country where freedom of speech prevails and people like the members of the westboro baptist church are allowed to exercise their rights. I guess some open minded people find there is no shame in that. :rolleyes: Thank God for closed minded people like the Patriot Guard Riders.

I have good news Mike. The military is becoming more open minded all the time. Even gays are allowed to openly serve without reservation now. You can send a latte instead of a coffee. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 1873422 Photo

Registered User
59 posts

Iced Latte is better. ; )

Relax Tom. Fe's point of view is Fe's point of view. Free speech right?

I guess I'm an 'outsider' too within your shores, in fact I've never stepped upon your shores, but I think what you did by posting that initial link for 'free coffee' is commendable. It's a good thing to promote such acts, especially when you feel strongly about it -- and I'm on Jo's side on this one, simply because 'seeing is believing'.

Again, relax Tom, never fight fire with fire.
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User 345577 Photo

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373 posts

Mar Larsen wrote:
Fe's point of view is Fe's point of view. Free speech right?

Don't mistake our First Amendment right of free speech with being allowed to say anything you want on a corporate-sponsored, moderated discussion forum. This is apples & oranges. CoffeeCup is the final arbiter in this case, and it's within their purview to edit, censor or delete posts according to their terms of service.

Scott stepped in with a reasonable 'calm down' suggestion, and I, for one, am grateful that this thread didn't spiral out-of-control with political jousting. I am very politically-aware and engage in this type of vigorous debate on other forums where such discussion is encouraged.

But I come here to discuss CC software, pick up tips from others, and to share my limited knowledge in a community spirit.
User 133269 Photo

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2,900 posts

Of course i'm allowed to promote peace instead of war :rolleyes: Poor Tom - do you think theres only one point of view allowed? Do you think America is the whole world?

Down at this end of the world its almost ANZAC day - thats our day for celebrating all the dead soldiers - traditionally supported in NZ by wearing a red poppy.... This year the Peace movement has declared the day before ANZAC day as "white poppy day" in remembrance of all the other casualties of war - you know the ones - the other side of the coin - the innocents all the soldiers killed - the ones that never signed up for killing people - the ones no-one ever sent coffee to....

Have fun
~ Fe Pixie ~

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