Updating Index and sub pages Links -...

User 484408 Photo

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63 posts

HTML Editor, Win XP
On the above site I set up a web page called "Newsletter" with plans to develop this newsletter later. The early reference was to a "page under development" The Newsletter reference is listed on the Home or Index page as a side bar menu and as a menu item on the bottom of the page.

The side menu and the bottom menu is listed on all pages including sub pages.

The problem I am having is including the Newsletter. Uploading as a PDF file was easy.

The two links to Newsletter on the Home page was manually updated OK. All other pages show the old "page under development" link.

There must be a way to automate the links in all of the web site pages. If not, I will have to manually update each page and upload them.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

My knowledge level is basic. The web site was developed using HTML Editor and Visual Editor to generate the code. Very simple but it worked.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya gerard,

the reason that your menu isn't consistent is because you haven't updated each page of your site to have the same menu setup. When you do menu's within an html page instead of a php page you need to be sure that each page is using the same menu code. What you need to do is get the menu code so it's working correctly on one of your pages. Once you have that just copy the entire code for that menu and paste it into the same area of each of the other pages and you'll be all set to go :)
User 2000538 Photo

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1,392 posts

I would think the easiest way to do it would be to make your new page and call it the same as the link to your under construction page and upload it over the top of the other. No need to change any links then :)
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Yes but if it's no longer an underconstruction page it would be kind of strange to name it that wouldn't you say? :P Besides, the menu needs to be updated to be all the same on all the pages which is what the real problem is, there is different links on different pages, so if he changed the name of the page to fit the link, it then would be wrong for the pages that have a different link for that page on the menu.
User 2000538 Photo

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1,392 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
Yes but if it's no longer an underconstruction page it would be kind of strange to name it that wouldn't you say? :P Besides, the menu needs to be updated to be all the same on all the pages which is what the real problem is, there is different links on different pages, so if he changed the name of the page to fit the link, it then would be wrong for the pages that have a different link for that page on the menu.

Haven't looked at the actual pages. But would think the name of the html file wouldn't really matter. You could call it xyz.html or spot.html and it wouldn't matter as long as the button name said Newsletter or whatever its meant to be :D

...and you could have the same page named two different things to cater for the pages that have different links....much easier to have one page with two names than rename all the links on every page.:)
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Well see the thing about menus like this one being a basic navigation menu (might want to look at the site to see what he's getting at) is that it's 10 times easier to just make a menu how you want it and then just open the pages and copy and paste over the code on the other pages so they are all the same. That's much easier than trying to keep track of different named pages for different menus on different pages. Menu's should always be fluid, the same throughout your site for the most part (unless of course you're working with SCC which won't allow you to do a full menu lol) and so on. Not to mention having a page named temp.html to represent your Newsletter page isn't exactly good SEO either.

Anyways, it's all in the matter of that they just have different menu links that they just didn't update, it's nothing major, just that they updated one page with the new pages and forgot the other pages is all :)
User 484408 Photo

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63 posts

First Thank you for your comments and suggestions. They are greatly appreciated.

As I understand your suggestions I have 2 options

1 My Menu setup or parts? are not correctly set up. I can make the corrections on how this should be set up and then copy/paste this corrected part to each page. I am not quite sure how to do this but I do understand what you are saying. (if that makes any sense). This seems like the proper way to go.

2 Change the information on the "under construction page" called Temp.html to the newsletter. In other words the current Temp page will be replaced with the Newsletter content but the page name remains the same. This is the easier option I think.

The Temp page is "Temp.html" while the uploaded newsletter is Newsletter.PDF. an I change the name on the web site to Newsletter.html and will this work?

I will undertake a complete re-write of my web page later and that will obviously be the time to set up a correct menu system. I will save your comments on how to do this.

This points to a "problem???" with HTML Editor. It is so easy to use that inexperienced people like me can develop a web page without understanding the finer points.

Thank you again for your assistance. Look forward to any answers you have to the above question.

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

gerard bruce wrote:

The Temp page is "Temp.html" while the uploaded newsletter is Newsletter.PDF. an I change the name on the web site to Newsletter.html and will this work?

I will undertake a complete re-write of my web page later and that will obviously be the time to set up a correct menu system. I will save your comments on how to do this.

This points to a "problem???" with HTML Editor. It is so easy to use that inexperienced people like me can develop a web page without understanding the finer points.

gerard bruce wrote:

The Temp page is "Temp.html" while the uploaded newsletter is Newsletter.PDF. an I change the name on the web site to Newsletter.html and will this work?

Sorry Bruce, it doesn't quite work that way. What you have setup on your menu is actually a link to the PDF file rather than a page with content that includes the PDF file info on it. The more proper way to do this would be to create a page called newsletter.html and put the information for your newsletter(s) on that page with links to the PDF files from there. This gives you much more versatility to put more than one issue of your newsletter on the site at a time by just using links and giving them dates so they show which newsletter issue it is.

gerard bruce wrote:

This points to a "problem???" with HTML Editor. It is so easy to use that inexperienced people like me can develop a web page without understanding the finer points.

No, this isn't a problem with the HTML Editor, it's a user error for the most part hehe. Not really error as it sounds like you're pretty new to this so it will take a bit of time getting used to. Let me see if I can outline what is exactly wrong on your menu so you have a better idea, because in reality it's a very easy fix.

Each page of your website has the menu on it. That menu on each page is separate from each page. In other words, if you update it on one page (you added the newsletter.pdf) link to it on the pages) you need to update it on every page as they are all separate entities.

What happened here is on the homepage (index.html) you added the Newsletter selection to your menu and you added the URL to it to point to the newsletter.PDF file. But you stopped there and I'm going to assume you thought it would change it on all pages. But you do need to put that same link on each of the pages to point to your PDF file the same as on your home page.

Each page's menu is a separate entity, I hope that makes sense. IF you change something on one page you have to change it on each of them for the menu, it's not dynamic where it will update for each of them. There is a way to do this, but I don't think you're ready for that yet, you should learn more about HTML before you delve into that, and that would be PHP or Server Side Includes which even I don't quite understand fully yet lol.

Basically just make sure each menu is the same on each page, open each of your website pages in the HTML Editor:


On each of those pages find the menu area (should be called navigation in the file somewhere) and on the menu look for the Newsletter selection that you added to the menu. You did that part correctly on each of the pages, you just need to update the URL part on the rest of the pages so it matches the index.html part for the Newsletter.

Change that URL for the pages, save the pages and you're done. I tend to do changes all to one page (usually the index page) if I have multiple menu changes to do and instead of just fixing it on each page, that's where I usually just copy and paste the entire menu over on each page from the page I corrected. That's what I was trying to say for copy and paste. But your instance should be easier, just fix that URL so instead of it pointing to the Temp.html page it points to Newsletter.pdf .

Your menu line for each of the other pages would be like this: (change needed is in bold)

<LI>Naviga<A title="Quarterly Newsletter" href="Newsletter.pdf"><FONT color=#ffffff size=2 face=Arial>Newsletter</FONT></A>

Not like this:

<LI>Naviga<A title="Quarterly Newsletter" href="temp.html"><FONT color=#ffffff size=2 face=Arial>Newsletter</FONT></A>

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