The New HTML Editor is Here! - Post...

User 166008 Photo

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The "link to a relative file" option was forgotten as promised.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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No, it is in there ;) Go to the Insert Menu.
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User 41993 Photo

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Dear CoffeeCupLand

Having downloaded and installed the newest editor, I am lacking one piece of knowledge to help me continue my development.
I wish to upload some files to my website - have managed to do so by setting up the server via the File>Upload file to server>Add server link.
However, I want to SEE what is on my site and I also wish to upload a .pdf file, a format that is not covered by the editor (hence I can't open it so that I can upload it).
The 'old' editor had the twin-framed server link available via the free-ftp available from Coffee Cup. However, having clicked on the link in the supplied pdf help file (, the site gives an error 404 message.
Q: Is Free FTP still available? If so, where is it on the CC site? How can I see what is on my website?

Many thanks for your help
Alan Brown
User 3004957 Photo

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The only way to see what is on your server is to view it in the 'Server' window (clicking on the 'Server' tab when in the 'My Websites' view automatically connects you to the server, but bear in mind it does not disconnect you when clicking away from it). By selecting 'All files (*.*) in the drop-down dialogue beneath the 'Local Disk' window you should be able to see and upload your PDF files (and any other files for that matter). You cannot do that on the FTP/Server window but you can see all files by default there anyway.

I agree that this is not as ideal as a fully-blown FTP program, which is why I have DirectFTP as a backup. It is money well-worth spending to get the extra features that the free version lacks. I am the first one to admit there are some short-comings in DirectFTP but none are a show-stopper and all I can live with. As for where the free version has gone, who knows; maybe Scott can point you in the right direction.

User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

Alan Brown wrote:

Q: Is Free FTP still available? If so, where is it on the CC site? How can I see what is on my website?


At the bottom of this page is a list of CoffeeCup software. Below the bottom right of that list is a link to "Free Software" and on that page, you will find the CoffeeCup free software, including the free FTP.
User 103554 Photo

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Is there any plan to ever include full Unicode functionality in the Editor?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

What specifically are you trying to accomplish?
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User 103554 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
What specifically are you trying to accomplish?

I want to be able to type devanagari directly into the Code Editor. Here is a shot of how the relevant code for my page looks in Kompozer and then in CoffeeCup

In Kompozer, or even Word or OpenOffice Writer, I can simply type the devanagari directly in using my IME. I cannot do this in coffeecup, even when the charset is utf-8. here is what exactly the same text looks like when typed using my IME into Kompozer (or any other Unicode-compliant editor) and then into coffeecup - the devanagari is in Kompozer, random English characters in coffeecup
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Ah, ok I see what you are saying. Right now our software just was not setup to be able to handle that, but it is something we plan on doing sometime in a future update.

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User 103554 Photo

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25 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
it is something we plan on doing sometime in a future update.


Thank you. That was what I was hoping to hear.

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