Pages with frames - Post ID 96913

User 1986660 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I read the site design help twice and could not figure out how to frame pages within my site.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


Are you wanting the HTML code to create frames so that you only have one page on your site and just swap content? If so, look at the frame and frameset tags on this page: but do understand that search engines may not check all your content.

Are you wanting to put a border around your page? If so, use CSS to create and style the borders. Look here for border style setting.

Are you trying to do something else? If so please explain what you are trying to accomplish.
User 1986660 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

thanks for the reply, i tied some of the html and had no luck.
I am trying to open a link within a frame and so far the best I can do is get the content of the link to show but the function of the website fails.
User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
852 posts

So, you want to open a smaller frame within a page with the link content? I think you need an iframe. This is an area within an existing page that shows content from another page. Read up about them and see if that is what you want to do.

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

also when you're dealing with actual "frames" you do have to tell the page/graphic/etc. what frame you want it to load in by using a target tag. If that's not what you mean then... I'll just shut up here :P

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