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User 1872099 Photo

9 posts

I have been looking at the software, and have a question. What is the difference between the HTML (wysiwyg) software and the VSD software. Or should i say which is the best.
User 597929 Photo

Registered User
1,332 posts

They have a ton of video tutorials, and it just so happens they have a video discussing just that question. Here's the link: … ;width=480
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User 1872099 Photo

9 posts

Thanks for that Spinny ;);)
User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

Hi Cyberdog,
I copied this from another thread which may help also. Thanks To Scott.
There are two different applications you can use to create your site: HTML Editor and Visual Site Designer.

The main difference between HTML Editor and Visual Site Designer is access to the raw HTML. Visual Site Designer will generate all the necessary HTML for you and allow you to focus on the design of your page. You can insert text, images, links, etc. and drag them anywhere on the page. You can even create shapes such as rectangles and circles, or add effects like glow, bevel, and shadow. Because everything is stored in the VNU file for Visual Site Designer, it cannot open preexisting HTML files to edit.

The HTML Editor, on the other hand, can open any HTML file and edit it with either the Code Editor or Visual Editor. The Visual Editor will also allow you to insert text, images, links, etc., but you cannot create shapes or effects within the program. Those would need to be done outside the software and inserted as images. Because the HTML Editor edits one file at a time, as opposed to the entire site, you have more control over things like filenames, directory structure, etc., and how these elements are uploaded to the server.

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