IE 7 Issue with CSS Menu Designer -...

User 2034657 Photo

Registered User
64 posts

Hi all,

I am exploring the CSS Menu Designer in the HTML Editor. I have had moderate success, but have hit a snag that I have been unable to solve. The menu behaves as I would expect using Firefox, but not using IE 7. I'm testing a simple menu with three main links, "Home", "About Us", and "Contact Us." I have added 3 submenu items under "About Us": "Last Year", "This Year", and "Next Year."

The issue involves the "About Us" menu choice. Should a user click on this choice, I don't want the user to be routed to another page. Only if the user clicks on one of the submenu items do I want the user to be routed to another page. I have done this before using the DHTML 2.2 Menu Designer, and the menus behaved as I expected in both Firefox and IE 7. The CSS menu works fine using Firefox, however, when using IE 7, and a user clicks on the "About Us" menu choice the system tries to route the user to another page which is not there.

The link to the test site is:

The code for the menu is listed below. Note that I have not included a url reference for the "About Us" menu choice.

<div align="center">
<ul class="menu-menu">
<li class="first"><a href="indexTest.shtml">Home</a></li>
<a href="">About Us</a> <ul>
<li class="first"><a href="lastYear.shtml">Last Year</a></li>
<li><a href="thisYear.shtml">This Year</a></li>
<li><a href="nextYear.shtml">Next Year</a></li>
<li><a href="contactUs.shtml">Contact Us</a></li>

Do you have any suggestions how this menu behavior can be changed when using IE 7?

Thanks, in advance, for any help you can provide.
John H.
A good mind is like a sponge in water.
User 2000538 Photo

Registered User
1,392 posts

Is there any css that goes with that John?
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 2034657 Photo

Registered User
64 posts

Hi TassieTiger,

Yes, when using the CSS Menu Designer in the HTML Editor, both a CSS file and HTML code is generated. The CSS file (menu-menu.css) is located in a CSS folder on the server. The HTML code is included in a file that is on the server in a folder I call "includes."
John H.
A good mind is like a sponge in water.
User 2000538 Photo

Registered User
1,392 posts

Its okay...I found the CSS forgot I had a little addon that finds the CSS ...I use it all the time so don't know why i forgot!

Heading out now so someone else will probably come along with a solution before I do...
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya John,

You can just remove the 'href=""' from the first <a> tag. That will render that button basically useless but the dropdowns will still work fine :)

<a href="">About Us</a> <ul>


<a>About Us</a> <ul>
User 2034657 Photo

Registered User
64 posts

Hi Jo Ann,

Thanks for the suggesion. I deleted the href earlier, but to no avail. This morning I took another look at the issue, and discovered that somehow my revised menuMain.html file was apparently not being uploaded properly. I uploaded the entire site, and I am up and running now so I can move forward with my development/learning/development/learning.........

Thanks, again, for your guidance and above all, patience. I'm going to Barnes & Noble later today. You, Eric, and TassieTiger have been great.

Your protege in process,
John H.
A good mind is like a sponge in water.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

You're quite welcome as always, am glad to here it was just a little glitch, sometimes that's all it is when we try for hours *remembers pulling her hair out many times over things that were just a reboot away* lol. Good luck on your book search and I think Spinny had a suggestion for a book which sounded like a good started to try out. I don't recall which forum it was in now though. Try Amazon too, they have some great prices on their books too, usually cheaper than buying at the bookstore unless you get some really good sales that is :)

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