HTML v14 and schema - Post ID 231641

User 2581227 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Just downloaded HTML v14.1 as an upgrade to 12.9. I have questions about (and am new to) the structured data.

In all screen shot referencing this, it shows something similar to this:
<h1 itemprop="name">Web Design </h1>

However, when I double click on 'name' in the semantic data tab with my insertion just after h1, it does the following:

<h1 <span itemprop="name"></span>>Web Design </h1>

IF I highlight <h1>Web Design</h1> and then double click the 'name' in the semantic data tab, I get

<span itemprop="name"><h1>Web Design </h1></span>

The CC web sites states...

The correct syntax is automaticly inserted, the only thing you need to do is letting The Editor know what your content is about by clicking and filling in some specifcs about products, organizations, people or anything else your site can be about.

So why are the screenshots you show not including the span tags or why is my software adding span tags when I see no examples of that - given how critical this would be if it can confuse the search engines even more? And from this, I would change the 'name' to match the headline(?)

"name" = web design (or whatever additional words I think or relevant in describing the headline)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

There are many different ways you can use structured data Douglas. Both <h1 itemprop="name">Web Design </h1> and <span itemprop="name"><h1>Web Design </h1></span> are correct.

If you drag something from the Structured Data tab into your markup, it will just insert that specific item (That is where h1 itemprop="name" would be used) . If you want the entire markup, you double-click on it instead and that will wrap what is highlighted with a SPAN tag.

We just offer two different ways so that you have a bit more control.
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User 2581227 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Thanks for clarifying.

I went to (
So the name stays as it defines the type? Ex: itemprop="name" vs sitemprop="web design" or if I'm targeting a certain audience itemprop="audience" vs defining a specific demographic?

CC site says, ..."filling in some specifics about products, organizations, people or anything else your site can be about." That sounds like I'm suppose to change 'name' or 'audience' to something I've already stated in the copy of the site(?)

I even went to Google Web Master tools to try the Structured Data Markup Helper which was no help. I was assuming it would add the mark up to the code I gave it, but only added a comment at the top of the html code then told me no structured data exists.

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