HTML Editor's Visual Editor code...

User 275880 Photo

Trial User
8 posts

I searched the forums first, no luck....

Exactly what potential code changes does Visual Editor mode make per its warning when switching from Code Editor? Are the changes obvious in the HTML code? Are there consequences to subsequently removing this 'drag and drop functionality' code once back in the Code Editor?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hi Noel

When you go from the code editor to the visual editor, it will modify all your code to use absolute positioning so that you can use all the drag and drop features. Once you start using the visual edit, it is not recommend that you go back to the code editor. Think of the software as two programs in one. If you do go back and forth, your site will display still just fine, but the code will be a bit different. Also once you switch, there is no way to revert the code changes.
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