FTP/Disconnect from server button and...

User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
852 posts

Apparently there is only 20 minutes to edit posts, lame. Why not be able to edit posts like any other forum? What possible reason could there be for limiting editing?

Here is the edited post again. Please can a moderator remove the other one since we obviously aren't clever enough to be able to look after our own posts.

A quick question; when a server has been set up for each project, clicking the 'Server' tab when in My Websites mode:


automatically connects to the FTP server and sits there waiting, for what I don't know, since any file (or files) can be selected in the 'Local Disk' window and right-click uploaded anyway without having to connect the whole deal. The thing is, how do I disconnect that server now? I can find no disconnect button. It doesn't make any sense to have it sitting there connected when I might not need it for hours - if at all for any given work session.

A second, third and fourth issue presented itself when I was trying the right-click file upload; first there is no 'overwrite' dialogue, which is extremely dangerous, and the second is that should the file fail to upload (my server was down for some reason), there is no way to kill that FTP dialogue except using the task manager to kill the software's coffee.exe process. Clicking 'Cancel' does nothing.


The last issue is cosmetic; when trying to cancel a 'normal' FTP upload, if one clicks the 'Cancel' button quickly enough after starting the transfer, it is stopped OK but the resulting error dialogue could perhaps be managed by the software into a more 'friendly' dialogue such as, 'Transfer Cancelled'.



User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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We have to put a time limit in there so the forums don't get messed up. If you post something and then a few replies come in, and then you delete or edited your post, the whole topic could potentially not make sense. This is why we put in a time limit. Many forums out there do the exact thing and most give you up to 5 minutes to do this.

There is no disconnect option, it will just keep trying until successful. You can however edit the Website Project settings and make modifications to the FTP setup and it will then immediately start using the new settings. If you click the link "Show FTP Log" at the bottom of the Server Tab, it should tell you what is going on and why you cannot connect. Most of the time I have found that checking the "Use passive mode" option helps.

The software has actually never had any configuration for prompts when uploading. It has always just used overwrite. I don't think we have really paid much attention to this as we have not really had any complaints about it. However adding options for such a thing to the preferences would be pretty simple. I will think about that for a bit and figure out how to best address this for a future update.

The cancel button should definitely work. I know there was a bug with that in an earlier beta version but that was fixed. I will discuss this with our programmers and have them re-check the code. You most certainly should not have to kill the program.

You do have my direct e-mail address Dave if you having software issues, unless you really enjoy creating these long forum posts ;)
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User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
852 posts

I was under the impression that this was the forum to post about any issues, feedback. comments and observations with the general idea being that anyone else with the same issue could agree and have their say and ultimately maybe have the issue looked into or even fixed. If this is not helping them there is no point me doing it at all.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Please don't take that the wrong way. I really like the effort you put into your posts. I was just saying that you can also reach me directly if you ever need anything as well.
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