Fonts #2 - Post ID 250316

User 2789222 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I purchased coffeecup html editor attracted by the library functions. I used this and was happy with the result until I looked at some of the pages on my website. I have since corrected the problems manually with notepad++ taking a few hours. I must say also at this point that notepad++ highlights for example <div> and the relevant </div>, so good to use ! You need to do similar ! The problems are that any occurrences of 1/2 shown as a single character seem to be replaced with the strange character of A with a funny mark over it. Also, while a dollar sign is OK, a £ ( that is a pound sign if it gets corrupted in this text ) gets corrupted. There is obviously some problems with the fonts. I am surprised that coffeecup seems to struggle with commonly used fonts. I do use the usual ones, nothing strange. I am so disappointed with this. It is not much use to me.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

What fonts are you trying to use David? Are they Web Safe fonts, Google Fonts etc? For characters like "1/2" you should be using the HTML entity for something like that. You would replace that with &frac12; or &#189;. That goes really for any special character.

As to the other issue, you can find instructions here at … y-website/ on how to address this.
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User 2287960 Photo

580 posts


Highlighting the div would be good.

Your other point about corruption applies whatever prog you use. One reason is copying and pasting in text.

£ is always strange all you do is replace it with &#163;

To make this easy within the editor there is a tab down the left called characters with all these codes.

User 2789222 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Yes, OK now. First time I have heard about these html &frac12; things.


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