Bug Reports - Post ID 91037

User 207106 Photo

Registered User
19 posts

I'm actually using HTML Editor 2009, Build 303, but not a free editor, as I've paid for and registered, bu the "Software you are using" drop-down does not show that.

Vista Home Premium, SP2.

Anyway, I've found some font problems. So far, I've found that Cambrian Math, Modern, and Script have no text entries in the Font Wizard. You can click on the blank space, and get the fonts, but you have to guess what font it is.

Even stranger: Roman disappears! I am not kidding, it really does. I was doing some testing to see if I could verify a report on MozillaZine that Roman in sizes above 14 point disappears in Firefox 3.5.2. I found Roman, played with some sizes, and, yes, above 14 pt. it does disappear in Firefox.

A while later, I returned to CoffeeCup, and Roman was not there; no blank space, just no entry at all for Roman. Restarted editor, Roman reappeared. I did a bit more testing, closed CoffeeCup.

Then decided to test Roman larger than 14pt, to see if italics would appear in Firefox. I don't know, for Roman itself now refuses to appear, despite my restarting CoffeeCup three times.

(Oh, yes, the Rod font's name appears as only a capital "R" until you click on the space where the name ought to be.)

I also just found that the mechanism for requesting support does not, apparently, support Firefox 3.5.2. I entered the information above in the space provided, but when I tried to send it, I got an error message that I had not entered any information, so I copied what I had typed into the new space, and when I previewed it, it was there, but the system keeps complaining that I had not entered any information.
User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
852 posts

Hi John and yes, I can confirm weird goings-on with the Font Wizard. In some way it depends on what fonts you have installed but either way there is something fishy going on.

The first image is with the Roman font selected - which is invisible if not selected. The second image shows with another font selected and missing entries. There are more but these illustrate the issue. There are also weird artefacts present in the selection window as well, which will be tied to the same problem I would think.



You will find that many sites are coded to work only with Internet Explorer. This is an incredibly lazy way of building web sites and is saying that just because X% of people use IE, we'll ignore everyone else (as it stands about 20% of the rest of the web surfing population). Internet Explorer appears to be more forgiving with web coding - this is because it has to be to render any of the horrible HTML produced by Frontpage or, God forbid, Publisher or Word, so it will often render pages and work where browsers that are far less forgiving won't. I am used to this because I use Opera as my main browser and you'd be surprised how may web sites just don't render properly because they are badly designed. On the upside, if my sites work properly in Opera and Firefox they usually work properly in every other browser.

All this said, I am very surprised one of CoffeeCup's pages doesn't work though, usually these pages are very well coded. Do you have any third-party popup blocking software or an add-in for FF that breaks it? These are often the cause of forms breaking.


User 207106 Photo

Registered User
19 posts

Dave, starting from the bottom (as I'm usually going in the wrong direction, alas):

!. Thanks for the hint about something in Firefox breaking a CoffeeCup page, which led me to adding www.coffeecup.com to the FF Extension "MR Link Wrapper"; I have only extremely rarely had to add a site to its default sites, and the behavior of the CoffeeCup support area did not clue me into the fact that it was Link Wrapper that was keeping me from posting there.

2. Then, to the Roman font question: FIrst of all, yes, I'm all too aware of IE-only coded pages, but I don't think this applies to the disappearing font.

Second, the problem was not with any of my html pages; rather, I was testing to see if the problem, as reported by someone else on MozillaZine, of Roman > 14 pt. not showing was true.

I loaded one of my web site pages into CoffeeCup (all of my pages have been created with CoffeeCup), and added a single question mark using Roman; when I increased the font size to >14 pt., the Holy Roman Font Empire disappeared. (I'm a Medieval Historian, among other oddities to which I freely admit.)

Thus, it was try to fiddle some more with the Roman font question in FF that I found (or perhaps, as it was not there, did not find) that Roman had disappeared from CoffeeCup.

And, 3., it is not a question of a html form, as my testing was not even in a form; in fact, there are no forms on the html page that I was using for my testing.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Dave, John I see the bug in the Font Wizard as well. I have logged this into our bug system and will get our programmers to correct it.
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User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
852 posts

Sorry John I completely got the wrong end of the stick but by pure chance we uncovered a bug anyway. What are the odds!

Another misunderstanding; the only forms I was talking about were the ones in the CC support pages that you couldn't use.

As for fonts disappearing in Firefox; I haven't seen it and it is nice to know about it but I have other things that take up my time to get involved in something like that. I am glad, therefore, that there are people like you who do get involved for our benefit.


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