Automatically adjusting site to...

User 385448 Photo

Registered User
16 posts

I own both 'HTML Editor' and 'VSD'.
Is there a way I can make my homepage automatically adjust to the readers screen resolution?
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Dennis Jr @

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The HTML Editor
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User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

In HTML Editor there's a resolution "sensor" that looks at the viewers resolution then if <> than your specs it tells them to adjust. Maybe you could alter that 'script' to work for you, redirecting to different size pages...

Or maybe there's an easier way. I'm still fairly new at this.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


You can use CSS to style the width of your site to be 100% wide. You can also set margins on each side by percent. Is that what you want?

Keep in mind that generally people do not want to have to swing their head from side to side while reading, If your lines get too long, they will become frustrated trying to keep track of the line location when returning to the beginning of the next line.

To help with this you could use two or three columns that have percentage width.

With a flexible width site, you would want to set a minimum width just to keep things from becoming too narrow to read.

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