A Few Bugs... or maybe just small...

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

The wordwrap when turned on makes the text jump when you switch tabs for different pages. If I turn it off it stops jumping, turn it back on and it's back to jumping.


When I change the view from Code to Preview it won't stay there. If I change pages and go back to the previous page I had Preview set on, it always changes back to Code. I'm trying to check to see if things line up horizontally between 2 pages (I have a problem I can't find in some pages that are moved over a few pixels and need to be able to visually check this). Shouldn't the view tab stay at the one selected last?


Sometimes (not always but most of the time) when I alter files like copying and adding something manually outside the program (ex: copying a page file and renaming it so I have the same structure to just change content in or sometimes it's graphics I've added to a folder manually) it duplicates the name on the list in the Projects window. The first time it happened I didn't realize it had duplicated just the name and not the actual file and I deleted it lol. OOPS :P

Sometimes when it happens I can close the section or folder in the Projects Pane and reopen it and it will refresh it, this I would expect to happen since I've edited something outside the CCHE program. Sometimes I have to close the program and reopen it to get it to refresh correctly.


Ok that's all for now lol, thanks as always for working on this so dilligently, it's most appreciated by us all :)
User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
851 posts

Word-wrap issue - Partially confirmed. This happens whether word-wrap is enabled or not on my machine and is some kind of refresh issue where the text appears to jump as the page refreshes.

Code-view issue also confirmed. Remembering the state of the tab would be very handy. There is a workaround for this though, hit F12 and use the horizontally-split preview which is remembered from tab to tab and you can use this to compare pages when switching.

Whenever modifying a page outside the editor (and with the page open in the editor) it stands to reason that the changes will not be reflected until the tab is refreshed or the page reloaded. It is true that the editor doesn't 'see' the page has been changed outside the editor, or if files have been added or deleted in the root folder, but hitting F5 refreshes the file and folder view, which should then reflect any changes to the files, but not the page content. It appears the page would have to be reloaded into the editor in order to refresh the content. My other editors warn me in this situation that the page content has changed by an external program and would I like to reload the new version, but I'm not sure how easy this would be to implement.


User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Thanks for verifying the first 2 issues, and for the tip on using the F12, I forget I can split them, I was doing that when I first started last week messing with the new version, but then got away from it, I'll use that as the work around until hopefully they alter it so it saves our view settings.

Yes I understand the refresh thing needing to be done, and that's why I said even that I expect this to happen as far as needing to close/open the folders in the Project Pane. I could swear there was a refresh button at the top of the Project Pane when I first started using the new version last week, but then it's gone almost right away so maybe I was seeing things but I don't think so lol.
Guess it would be nice to have a refresh button there (or back there again lol) so those of us that don't know all the secrets to things like refreshing with F5 find it easier to do that.

The bug still happens though with the duplicate file names, you don't have that problem Dave? I'll test that next time it happens to see if the F5 refreshes it or not to fix that issue, if so then I guess it don't matter too much :)

Thanks again for reply :)

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