WOW Slider #2 - Post ID 209840

Hi All
I have very little knowledge when it comes to code (but not clueless) so bear with me.

I am having some trouble with some code. Its listing the file names of each image but not the java image gallery I have created using wow slider. I copied the source code for the header and body into html objects on the page 'singlets' and made sure per the wow slider instructions to include data and engine folders in the same directory as the site. I have also made sure the images are in the data/image folder and also added the images to VSD to cover my bases. Here is the header code and body code for your reference...

<title>wrestling singlets mens</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="keywords" content="wrestling singlets mens" />
<meta name="description" content="wrestling singlets mens" />
<!-- Start HEAD section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="engine1/style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/jquery.js"></script>
<!-- End HEAD section -->

<body style="background-color:#FFFFFF">
<!-- Start BODY section -->
<div id="wowslider-container1">
<div class="ws_images"><ul>
<li><img src="data1/images/aieahighschoolwrestling.jpg" alt="aiea-high-school-wrestling" title="aiea-high-school-wrestling" id="wows1_0"/></li>
<li><img src="data1/images/arizonauniversitywildcats.jpg" alt="arizona-university-wildcats" title="arizona-university-wildcats" id="wows1_1"/></li>
<li><img src="data1/images/arrupejesuitfinalswrestl.jpg" alt="arrupe-jesuit-finals-wrestl" title="arrupe-jesuit-finals-wrestl" id="wows1_2"/></li>
<li><img src="data1/images/bishopcarrollwrestlingsinglet.jpg" alt="bishop-carroll-wrestling-singlet" title="bishop-carroll-wrestling-singlet" id="wows1_3"/></li>
<li><img src="data1/images/blissfieldhighschoolroya.jpg" alt="blissfield-high-school-roya" title="blissfield-high-school-roya" id="wows1_4"/></li>
<li><img src="data1/images/coppellwrestlingsinglet.jpg" alt="coppell-wrestling-singlet" title="coppell-wrestling-singlet" id="wows1_5"/></li>
<li><img src="data1/images/hauppaugeeagleswrestling.jpg" alt="hauppauge-eagles-wrestling" title="hauppauge-eagles-wrestling" id="wows1_6"/></li>
<li><img src="data1/images/kellerwrestlingacademysi.jpg" alt="keller-wrestling-academy-si" title="keller-wrestling-academy-si" id="wows1_7"/></li>
<div class="ws_thumbs">
<a href="#" title="aiea-high-school-wrestling"><img src="data1/tooltips/aieahighschoolwrestling.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#" title="arizona-university-wildcats"><img src="data1/tooltips/arizonauniversitywildcats.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#" title="arrupe-jesuit-finals-wrestl"><img src="data1/tooltips/arrupejesuitfinalswrestl.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#" title="bishop-carroll-wrestling-singlet"><img src="data1/tooltips/bishopcarrollwrestlingsinglet.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#" title="blissfield-high-school-roya"><img src="data1/tooltips/blissfieldhighschoolroya.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#" title="coppell-wrestling-singlet"><img src="data1/tooltips/coppellwrestlingsinglet.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#" title="hauppauge-eagles-wrestling"><img src="data1/tooltips/hauppaugeeagleswrestling.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#" title="keller-wrestling-academy-si"><img src="data1/tooltips/kellerwrestlingacademysi.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<!-- Generated by v3.3 -->
<div class="ws_shadow"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/wowslider.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/script.js"></script>
<!-- End BODY section -->

Any help woul dbe much appreciated
User 298877 Photo

292 posts

Hi Shane,

Can you post a link? If we can see it we can help you sort it out better.

Initial notes, the open and close tags for head and body do not get inserted in VSD as you are dropping your code into the existing tags. So, without seeing your site, that's all I can suggest. Try removing <head>, </head>, <body......> and </body> if you have included them in what you have inserted in VSD.

I also notice you mentioned html objects.

This is not how to enter the header code. In VSD go to the menu Edit->Edit Header or simply press CTRL+ALT+H together. Paste your code in there, without the opening and closing tags of course!

The body code should sit in a html object box and be placed where you want the slider to appear, but again, without the opening and closing body tags :)

Dave :)
User 187934 Photo

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Knockout LLC Shane Thomas wrote:
I copied the source code for the header and body into html objects on the page 'singlets' and made sure per the wow slider instructions to include data and engine folders in the same directory as the site.

It's data1.;)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 298877 Photo

292 posts

I also notice that you didn't mention the jquery. You need to upload the folder "engine1" which is needed for the styles and the jquery as referenced in the header

So, it's data1 and engine1 :)
Hi Dave
thanks for your reply... ok so renamed the folders 1 instead of 3. Have uploaded the files manually from VSD and via S Drive. I am still getting a text list of the images but no slider. How can I show you what I mean? is the site. If you click on singlets you will see the error message. Am happy to let you look at the S Drive files if you want to give me your opinion. Or any others if it helps. Thanks for your input.
User 187934 Photo

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20,193 posts
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Looks like the page is missing.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
yeah it wont even preview on my temp directory properly. And shouldnt VSD upload the page from the program when I publish to S Drive?
User 104702 Photo

Registered User
293 posts

Hi Shane,

Why do it this difficult? Use an iframe to show your slideshows. I's so much easier....
Look around here: . All slideshows (20?) are or Wowslider or Visual Slideshow (almost the same product).
If you want to know how to do this, let me know.

Success, John
John van Hulst
Hi John
I would love some help... basically we want images that when you click on them will open a pop-up window enlarged view of that image with ability to scroll through 3 or 4 photos of the same product.

Example user clicks on image of soccer jersey
pop up window within same page pops up with enlarged view of soccer jersey
user can then scroll or click through 3 or 4 images (like back shot, side shot etc)

Your assistance or advice would be welcomed
Best regards
User 298877 Photo

292 posts

Hi again Shane,

I have never used the Slider software you are trying to implement, so I have gone and downloaded it to see what's going on for you.

I think I have figured it out...

The problem is, you need to create the EXACT directory tree yourself in VSD. This involves going to the Edit menu and selecting Add Files. Now, you need to highlight the root and click the + Folder button. Name this new folder "data1" and then click the + folder button again and name this new sub folder "images". Now click the + File icon. You must do this in sequence as the new folder will cease to exist if it does not contain at least one file or sub folder. You now browse to the slider output folder and hold the CTRL key while you select all files in its "images" folder. Now, you've added them to VSD.

Next, create the other sub folder called "tooltips" and populate it the same way.
You also need to create the folder "engine1" as a sub directory of the root, so follow the same sequence. It has no sub directories of its own, so just populate it with the files.

The goal is to create the EXACT directory tree within VSD that exists in the slider output folder.

Then, you paste the header code using the VSD menu Edit -> Edit Header

Finally, you use the html tool to insert the body code.

The other points to note are, case sensitivity... If the folder/file has an uppercase letter, you need to observe this.

As an example, I have made the following slider element using VSD and popped it up on S-Drive for you to see it working: I have not paid any attention to image sizing or the other customizing aspects, I am merely showing you that I can use the software you are using and with VSD, drop it into a site I have already made. So, it is all possible.

Now, please let us know how you have implemented it in VSD and hopefully I can help you figure out what's gone wrong.

Dave :)

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