Problems with MouseOver in VSD 5.9.4...

User 174620 Photo

Registered User
31 posts

Good stuff, why your at it could you fix another little thing... it's not really a bug, just something that bugs me! (and maybe others?).

When you use a img for the page background, VSD defaults the background of the page area to black (not the page surround which is set by the user). Is is possible for the program to automatically choose the colour used as the surround? Only, if you use a img which takes a second or two to load, users see a blackscreen with a coloured surround which can look a bit messy!

Like I said, not urgent and more of a cosmetic thing as it doesnt affect the running of a site. But, image is everything these days :p
User 436416 Photo

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87 posts

FilmHistorian wrote:
Peter. Are you saying you reported the same issue a bunch of versions ago and it still is not fixed? They usually fix things pretty quickly, so that surprised me.

Has anyone heard anything yet?

Thanks :)

Yes, I identified the problem (after spending about an hour or so to track it down), reported it. But as it wasn't holding me back on my work, so I never did find the time to follow up on it.
User 436416 Photo

Registered User
87 posts

haydnjames wrote:
When you use a img for the page background, VSD defaults the background of the page area to black (not the page surround which is set by the user). Is is possible for the program to automatically choose the colour used as the surround? Only, if you use a img which takes a second or two to load, users see a blackscreen with a coloured surround which can look a bit messy!

It wasn't totally black if one looks at the code, but its pretty darn close! I just developed a routine to run some scripts to cleanup a bunch of stuff, including this background colour setting, before uploading any changes.

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