Page Anchor in VSD - Page Lenth...

User 192897 Photo

Registered User
325 posts

I spent the afternoon playing with anchors in VSD and came across a problem that was solved in a strange way (at least to me). It is working now but just wondering if this is something peculiar with VSD or a native HTML issue.

Everything was working fine until i got to the last few 'Questions' then no matter what i did, i could not get it to jump to the answer in the correct spot. It always jumped to 10 or so lines before the correct location. I moved things, i switched things, i renamed things. I deleted and re-added. I even moved the anchors around. I moved one of the last anchors up front, high on the page and it worked. I moved the same anchor down and it didnt. Driving me nuts.

Finally i got it to work by eliminating some of the blank lines between the answers then to clean up my page i changed the height from 4000 pixels to 3200 pixels and IT DIDNT WORK anymore... I am now at 3500 pixels and all is working fine.

Site is , the site is still a work in progress.

Is this a VSD thing, an HTML thing or just something strange that i did. Makes no sense to me, but at least is works now
There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. MARK TWAIN
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

I have seen the same thing pop up in the forums a couple of times. You may want to take a look at these two threads, e.g.: … -the-page/ … ease-help/

BTW(1): When you click on an item in your FAQ, it does not always jump to the right location in the list of answers.
BTW(2): There is a small spelling error in the answer for "Do you make money on sale for Go Daddy or Coffee Cup" ;)
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

When your anchors are so far down the page they are almost at the bottom, they will never be brought to the top of the browser. The "jump" will take the page to the nearest possible position but not to the actual anchor itself.

To check this out you should try adding a whole bunch of gobbledegook (blah,blah,blah) at the bottom of the page, and then save and try clicking on the internal link again. This time you should see your anchor higher up the page.

You seem to have resolved in a round about way by adding a lot of blank space at the foot of your page which has the same effect as my suggestion because you have actually declared a page length. Make sure you try this out on different browsers.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

I am adding another post so that I can include screenshots I took. My screen resolution is 1440 x 900
In Firefox, generally speaking, everything is working ok. Bear in mind I only checked out a couple of pages for each browser.
In Chrome on the Publish page the serif font is very ragged. In preference, always choose a sans-serif font for extended areas of text to be read on screen. These fonts (eg.Verdana) are smoother and easier on the eye. Try to avoid full width blocks of text also as long lines are also less user-friendly. Please note that the screenshot has been optimized and the text has obviously deteriorated in this process, but even on screen, the low quality was visible. It is also important to be aware that some fonts are designed for optimal viewing at a certain size. It might be worth doing a little research into which fonts show best at which sizes. Georgia, which you have used here - in spite of being clear for monitor viewing in a wide range of sizes, is probably best used in smaller areas of text for the reasons I have mentioned.
In Opera, I left my browser open for all the time I prepared the other screenshots, and the images just never showed up. I have a fast connection. (You can ignore this one!!! See later post)
In both Internet Explorer and in Safari, you have text overlapping. I only checked out the FAQs so don't know if this occurs on other pages.
Check out all the screenshots I am attaching.
User 192897 Photo

Registered User
325 posts

Janys & Per, thanks for all the great tips. I'll have to do some more research on the fonts. I tried to duplicate the overlapping text with different screen resolutions but could not duplicate the overlap. (I cant go to 1440 x900).. i will just expand the text box and hopefully that will take care of it.

Not sure why the pages would not load on Opera, these are not graphic intensive pages but i will download Opera and try it here.

Again, thank you

There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. MARK TWAIN
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Something weird happened George.
I opened up the ABC site home page in Opera.
I then opened up a new browser page, still in Opera (CTRL T)
I went back to the original browser page, and where the images should have been on the home page, right clicked on an empty image space to check out the properties.
I copied the url address for the image and crossed over to the second browser, pasted in the address to check that the image showed up
The image opened up by itself on the browser.
I went back to the first browser with the "imageless" page opened up, and lo and behold, the image showed up in its correct place - but all the other places still remained empty until I repeated the procedure I just listed.

Beats me...and even refreshing the home page in my Opera browser does not show up the other images.

I wonder if Opera is expecting to find images in an imgs or images folder?
User 192897 Photo

Registered User
325 posts

No, clue on Opera. i have never used it. I am doing straight VSD usage with the only HTML for the anchors and also the use of Flash Menu and a Flash Banner.... It is strange what you are experiencing but I wouldnt know where to begin....

Isnt this fun!!
There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. MARK TWAIN
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

I was curious about Janys' strange experience with Opera, so I tried it on my setup here in Mozambique...
(Opera 10.10, Build 1893; Win XP SP3)

And strangely enough, it seems to work just fine here! :/ And I have a very slow connection.... Hmmm....

So George, in the case of Opera, your site seems to be uniquely tailored for "Slow connections in Mozambique" - and maybe nowhere else - however you managed to do that? :)
User 192897 Photo

Registered User
325 posts

I have a special arrangement with the telecommunications company in Mozambique and not Italy.. Told them to give Per Fast service!!!:)
There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. MARK TWAIN
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

I can see that I am going to be losing sleep on this... or never using Opera again!


I am going to whisper this one real quiet - ever felt a real idiot? My images were turned off for some reason in Opera!!! But that still doesn't explain the weird behaviour I mentioned does it?

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