I can't get my flash onto my web page...

User 479329 Photo

Trial User
6 posts

would you please tell me what part of the code did you change ?? I have tried to compare but my eyes cant see the difference..Thanks...sharris49
User 463058 Photo

1,075 posts

I changed the paths in the following lines.

document.write('<param name="movie" value="http://domainname.com/players/player.swf" />');

became this...
document.write('<param name="movie" value="resources/player.swf" />');

document.write('<param NAME=FlashVars VALUE="xml_file=http://domainname.com/resources/mediamenu.xml">');

became this...
document.write('<param name="FlashVars" value="xml_file=resources/mediamenu.xml" />');

document.write('<embed src="http://domainname.com/players/player.swf" FlashVars="xml_file=http://domainname.com/resources/mediamenu.xml" ... />');

became this...
document.write('<embed src="resources/player.swf" FlashVars="xml_file=resources/mediamenu.xml" ... />');

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