Like I said above, in case this ever happens again, I'd make a central directory ( for each website, keep them separated ) just for graphics. Put your graphics in that directory, then add them to your VSD site.
Um, lost me on one say you cannot 'recover' the .vnu file from your server. You should be able to download that .vnu file. But when you open it in VSD it's not going to find the graphics. If you cannot download the .vnu file, that may still have something to do with a problem on your server. Not sure. Were you able to download the .vnu file?
And please understand, the .vnu file IS NOT your website! It is a blueprint that tells VSD how to put all the pieces of your website together! There are other files ( graphics ) that need to be present so that VSD can put it all together. Even if you have the .vnu file, if you do not have all the other pieces then you will still have to re-build your site.
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!