Any ideas how to add Google Ads in...

User 459568 Photo

Trial User
1 post

Ive been trying to add Google Ads into Visual Site Designer and failed.

Ive tried some various ways and failed. Any help on how to add them would be appreciated.

Many thanks to anyone who can help.

One last word to the CoffeeCup Team:

"There could be an improvement in the way Visual Site Designer calls its file names, it seems to save images and stuff in capital letters which some Linux servers cannot read properly, and HTML code within the files should all be in lower case, as it causes W3C ( Validation failures to adhere to the Accessibility Laws."
User 132454 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Here's what you need to do: On the left side of the screen in Visual Site Designer, there are 7 buttons. The second to the last says "HTML". Click on this. This will bring up a box that you can add the script that you get from Google. I'm assuming that you already have the Google code. Just paste the Google code into the box with the tab labeled "Body HTML", give the HTML object a name, I simply said Google Ad, and press OK. Now it's added, there's nothing left to do.

I would suggest that if you have more than one google ad that you label each ad so you can tell at a glance what it is, like say, Google h-banner 600x160, for a Google horizontal ad banner that's 600x160.

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