After manually exporting your files to your server you'll need to manually edit the user.cfg.php file located with your form files. In this document you will find the following information. Edit each of the variables according to your hosting provider's requirements.

Note: While we do provide you with the ability to customize your SMTP settings, this is an unsupported feature. Any mistakes made here can and will stop your form from functioning. Be sure to review the minimum server requirements here before editing this content.

/*********************** Send Mail Configuration ****************************/

// What service is available for sending mail? Possible values are:
// - localhost [default] Server where the shop is installed, must be a Linux or Unix machine with sendmail
// - smtp A mail server of your choice that supports the standard SMTP protocol
$user_config['mailer']['service'] = 'localhost';
//$user_config['mailer']['service'] = 'smtp';

// Does the remote SMTP server need authentication?
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['auth'] = true;
//$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['auth'] = false;

// Use this if the server needs authentication:
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['user'] = '';
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['password'] = 'password';

// The address of the server
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['host'] = '';
//$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['host'] = '';

// Connection parameters for a plain SMTP server
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['port'] = '25';
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['secure'] = '';

// Connection parameters for a SMTP server that supports secure connections, such as
//$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['port'] = '465';
//$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['secure'] = 'ssl';


For Godaddy Servers:

// What service is available for sending mail? Possible values are:
// - localhost [default] Server where the shop is installed, must be a Linux or Unix machine with sendmail

// - smtp A mail server of your choice that supports the standard SMTP protocol
$user_config['mailer']['service'] = 'smtp';
//$user_config['mailer']['service'] = 'smtp';
// Does the remote SMTP server need authentication?
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['auth'] = false;
//$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['auth'] = false;
// Use this if the server needs authentication:
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['user'] = '';
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['password'] = 'password';
// The address of the server
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['host'] = '';
//$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['host'] = '';
// Connection parameters for a plain SMTP server
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['port'] = '25';
$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['secure'] = '';
// Connection parameters for a SMTP server that supports secure connections, such as
//$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['port'] = '465';
//$user_config['mailer']['smtp']['secure'] = 'ssl';