Here you will find the steps to center your buttons for a horizontal menu. If you need help with adding a background please see this article Extending Menu Background Across Entire Page.

There are two options available when centering your buttons. The first is with a Fixed Width and the second is with a Automatic Width


Option 1: Fixed Width

Step 1:

Open Menu Builder and choose Horizontal Menu

Step 2: 

Click the Design button on the tool bar. 

Step 3: 

Go to Menu Buttons > All Buttons.

Step 4:

Set the Button width to Auto and set a Padding of 2% for left and right.

Step 5:

Go to Menu Buttons > Contact

Step 6:

Set Right Border to None.

Step 7:

Go to Menu.

Step 8:

Adjust the Max Width to 285px.

Option 2: Automatic Width

Step 1:

Open Menu Builder and choose Horizontal Menu

Step 2: 

Click the Design button on the tool bar. 

Step 3: 

Go to Menu Buttons > All Buttons.

Step 4:

Set the Button width to 25%.

Step 5:

Go to Menu Buttons > Contact

Step 6:

Set Right Border to None.